5 Careers that can Make You Money in Any Sector


Whether someone is considering a change in career or a student that wants to map out their career path, here are five careers that can give secure jobs and make money in any sector:

Cyber Security
As the need and usage of the internet grow, safeguarding personal information and sensitive data is of utmost concern. Thus, experts in this field are what most big businesses need.

The common duties of a security specialist include protecting the network system against viruses, cyber-attacks, and illegal access and ensuring that the security system is running smoothly. In addition to monitoring the system, they must also be up to date with security updates and improvements to help ensure the cybersecurity of their employer.

Human Resources
Most companies need a Human Resource department for employee relations, payroll, benefits, and training. Most entry-level jobs for HR need minimum education and experience obtained through internships or part-time jobs. That said, the position of a human resource manager is not as easy to get into is you are not already working your way up in a company. Developing a career in HR may require contacting a human resources manager recruitment specialist in order to get you in the door. Whether you nail the interview however is up to you.

HR professionals deal with a variety of tasks that include training and developing employees. They also develop personnel policies and ensure that the organization complies with the labour laws.

Digital Marketing
For businesses to be noticed by the online audience, hiring an SEO expert and PR can be useful.

An SEO specialist’s role is to extend the company’s reach to the online audience by helping them appear at the top page of the search results and increase web traffic. Some of its duties include being up to date with Google’s algorithm and create keywords according to the latest keyword strategies.

On the other hand, PR or public relations personnel can help you manage the spread and release of your business information to the public. They can help you organize what you need to advertise to the people, thus saving you a lot of time – time that you can use in other matters too.

Information Technology
There has been a growth in careers in computer networking and cloud-based software. Software as a service (SaaS) is a type of cloud computing in which a third-party hosts candidate applications and makes them available to the customers through the internet. IT professionals don’t need to go to their clients’ computers for maintenance, repairs and updates but rather anywhere with an internet connection. This job is in demand with a large salary, but qualified individuals are hard to come by outside of the specialist SaaS and healthtech recruitment world. For those candidates who are highly skilled, signing up to a specialist recruiter is recommended to find the best SaaS jobs.

In the financial sector, accountancy and financial tech experts are not only in demand but well-known for their huge salaries. Most often, the entry-level job is an accounting specialist armed with the knowledge and skill such as recording financial transactions and creating financial statements. As businesses use a computerized system to help store and aid an accountant’s work, it also opened a position that requires expertise in the knowledge of both accounting and computer systems needed for their work.

In conclusion, a job with great returns requires great effort. You have to consider your experience and skillset when considering whether or not you qualify for a job. There is no point in applying for jobs that you simply will never get. That said, with enough persistence and the right choices, you can work your way into the ideal career that will work for you which ever sector you end up in.