5 Way To Ensure Your Business Runs Smoothly As It Grows


When your business starts to grow, you may find that you need to put more in place to help you keep track of your employees and keep your business running smoothly. It is important to keep track of your employees because you need to ensure that they are safe in the workplace, they are happy, and that they are getting paid correctly, amongst other things. To keep your business running smoothly, you need to ensure that everything is organised well to handle growth and to encourage productivity, loyalty, and motivation. Below are a few things that you can do and install to help you to keep track of your employees and ensure everything is running smoothly:


Conduct walk-throughs

Walkthroughs are a good way to get an idea of what is going on in your workplace. It will help to reassure staff as they can see management present throughout the day. It will give them the chance to bring up any issues they are having and make management more approachable. If you have any safety procedures in place, walk-throughs scheduled for different times of the day will ensure that they are always being followed and that there aren’t any staff members putting themselves or anyone else at risk.


Install time clocks

When you have a bigger workforce, it can be more difficult and time-consuming to keep track of everyone’s hours manually. This is why it can be a good idea to get a time clock. There are time clocks that you can use with a card that you swipe on it, or biometric time clocks that use the fingerprint of the employee. At the beginning of their shift, each employee can clock in for work, and at the end of their shift, they will clock out. This makes it easier to keep track of how long everyone has worked for so that they get paid the right wage and so that you can see if anyone clocks in, late or out, early.

A benefit of the biometric time clock is that because it uses a fingerprint, there is no need to give everyone swipe cards that can be lost. It also means that people can’t clock in for each other. 


Encourage a positive work environment

A great way to ensure that your business runs smoothly is to encourage a positive work environment. When employees have a positive work environment, they are more willing to work hard for the company and build upon their skills. It will also help them to feel more comfortable talking to management about any complaints they have. They may also inform you of other training opportunities they would like to complete, or any ideas they have to improve something in your company. If your employees feel happy and confident, your business will do much better.

A positive work environment can be created by showing your appreciation for your employees. Thank them when they do a good job, give them shout outs in team meetings, and treat them every now and then. Showing your appreciation can even start to motivate your team more.


Utilise the cloud

As your business grows, it may be a good idea to start to utilise the cloud. It is a great tool that allows for the evolution of your company. Some cloud-systems allow you to keep track of your employees’ attendance. It can also allow you to store large amounts of documents taking away the worry of having to invest in hard drives to save digital records and physical space to store physical documents. It is this kind of organisation that will help you as there is more and more work to do.

Other cloud-based systems are great if you need some of your employees to work remotely, as they will still be able to access everything that they need to.


Be transparent

As your business grows, you need to ensure that your employees know what is going on. Communicate to them what your goals and plans are for the future of the business. This will allow them to be open with you too. They will be able to tell you their concerns and any ideas that they have, and then you can give them honest feedback. If you have people who still feel uncomfortable about voicing their concerns, it may help if you create an opportunity for anonymous feedback. When things start to change, it can make people feel on edge and unhappy, but by being transparent, you can help to make everyone feel more secure.