8 Ways To Manage Your Work-Life Balance


The idea of creating a work-life balance is somewhat a new idea in modern times. As people are looking to get ahead, now more than ever, individuals are spending an unhealthy amount of time at their office which is causing a great deal of stress.

If you work after hours and never log out of your computer or smartphone to check your emails then you have most of the symptoms of what is commonly called a “workaholic”. The two main culprits for this would be either job insecurity or technology addiction. 

Indulging in relaxing activities after your work day is quite necessary and helps you find a healthy balance between work and relaxation. On a daily basis, this balance will increase your productivity at work and contribute to a better relationship with those around you, whether professional or private. 

  1. Turn It Off

Each of us is aware of the many benefits of technology, but it risks making us extremely dependent, more than we can imagine. Using technology has become automatic and it is sometimes difficult to realize when it becomes harmful to one’s mental health. 

It is crucial to be able to disconnect from your professional accounts (emails, professional social networks, internal company communication tool, etc.) to be able to feel a real break between your working time and your free time. Always keep in mind that most of the tasks that you haven’t finished at the end of your day can be done the next morning, and that nothing is dramatic. Remember, determination is the key to a robust life.

  1. Try A Yoga Class

Yoga is a powerful technique that not only helps you build a strong body, but can help you relax as well. While some might assume that yoga is just about stretching, it isn’t. “Yoga is about aligning your body with your breath” says yoga teacher Kirsty Davis of Yoga Training Guide. “The goal of yoga is to help you move and breathe and natural pace which is why its great for helping with anxiety and stress.”

  1. Manage Your Time Effectively

Make a mental or written list of all the tasks you need to do that day and sort them by priority. Today there are many recognized methods to optimize your working time. Good time management at the workplace has the benefit of not leaving you feeling overwhelmed and being able to leave your workplace at a reasonable time, without feeling guilty or anxious, and free up enough hours for your personal activities. 

  1. Spend Time With Loved Ones 

Having meals with family or friends, going to the movies or watching TV all together or going out for a group are quality moments to be enjoyed as much as possible outside the workplace. These moments allow you to take a step back from your daily professional life with the concerns that accompany it and to put into perspective the problems that seem worrying to you at the workplace but that are taken out of context are perhaps not so alarming as that.

  1. Enjoy Your Leisure

Dedicating yourself to your work is certainly positive for intellectual stimulation and the development of your professional career, but can quickly become an abyss if you become obsessed with the results to be obtained. Even within the workplace, it is very strongly recommended to take regular breaks, whether to stretch your legs, have a coffee with a colleague, go out for air, go shopping, or listen to music while working. 

It is these little moments, allowing you to escape from the daily routine of your professional tasks, which can help instill positive energy as well as make a real difference in your morale at the end of the day.

  1. Have A Mentor or Coach

Look for someone in your friends or family with whom you get along very well and who seems to have an optimal work / relaxation balance. Ask this person how they manage their work-life balance. He can give you valuable advice and you will be more receptive to it thanks to the privileged relationship you have with him. 

If you don’t have a friend or mentor, try getting a coach. These people are trained to provide professional support and can guide you when you might be overwhelmed.

  1. Have Activities After Work

This is not necessarily applicable to every day of the week but it is very important to look forward to the evening ahead when you are at work. It is not a question of counting the hours which separate you from the leisure which you planned in the early evening but rather of not arriving at the office in the morning considering that your day will be summarized with what you will accomplish at your workplace. 

Think of a book you’ve always wanted to read, a restaurant you’ve always wanted to try, or planning a trip ahead. Waiting to do something you enjoy doing on a personal level helps you avoid stress and keep a positive attitude at work.

  1. Enjoy Your Vacation

Take a few weeks off from your schedule and plan a trip to a place you love, where you have long wanted to go, or just to visit friends or family. It’s a great way to break the routine, get behind the wheel or let yourself be guided in a place where stress is not present.