10 Things You Should Know About Cloud Migration


If your business is not already considering cloud services, then it is missing out on some great advantages. Better collaboration between teams, easier data storage and access wherever you are, as well as reduced overall costs. The possibilities for scaling up your business and working smarter are almost endless, however, they shouldn’t be adopted without careful thought first. It’s why many businesses consult with cloud migration experts before they begin, ensuring the basics are not missed and the process is as cost-effective as possible. Here are 10 things to consider about cloud migration that will help avoid issues.

  1. Don’t Underestimate the Need for Experts

Bringing in the experts when you are unsure of any aspect of cloud migration is vital. Even if you have already experienced cloud migration before, having experienced heads involved in the process minimises missing anything. You may need to pay a premium to work alongside seniors within cloud computing, but it is worth it in the long run, and they’ll be able to demonstrate value through case studies and testimonials.

  1. There are both Fixed and Ongoing Costs

Not only do you have the initial costs of hiring consultants and setting up your cloud migration, but you will also need to consider the ongoing support you will need and the monthly recurring costs. This should all be defined before you go ahead so that you know how much you will need to spend. Some services and consultants may charge an hourly fee whereas others will provide a package cost including an ongoing subscription price. This will all become clearer when you know what you need.

  1. You Need to Have Clear Goals Defined

Having clear business goals set out for what you want to achieve from cloud computing is important. Not only will you know what you require, but the services and consultants you employ will also know what your goals are. You also need to ensure you are considering cloud migration for the right reasons and that these fit in with your vision for the business. You don’t want to be doing it just because your competitors are; it needs clear planning as to how it will realistically help your business.

  1. Which Type of Cloud Environment do you Need?

Consideration needs to be given to which cloud environment you want to use. There are both a private and public cloud as well as a hybrid cloud that can be used. Many businesses will use a private cloud due to the higher levels of security and the need for only staff to use it, providing more control. However, there is a hybrid cloud that provides a mixture of both and can be more cost-effective as private cloud use is more expensive. You’ll need to research each environment thoroughly before committing to one.

  1. Research & Stick to a Budget

Quite simply, researching options is the best way to understand the prices you need to consider. There are various cloud migration services available and many different types of consultants. With the right research, you can decide on a budget that is affordable and won’t have to constantly be adjusted. You may need to hire newer roles into your business too to help with cloud implementation, so being realistic with costs will help.

  1. Ensure you have Ongoing Support

A support network of consultants and cloud computing experts can avoid being left short once the migration is complete. Think about different scenarios and how you will resolve them, being able to lean on expert advice in these moments is invaluable.

  1. What Service will you Need for your Business?

There are different service models to consider depending on your needs, including Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The type of model you choose will depend on the flexibility you require and how much access you need. Speaking to cloud migration experts will help define the best fit for you.

  1. Don’t forget about Security

Security concerns are always high when considering cloud computing implementation, so ensuring this is not an afterthought is vital. Various compliance and data-handling issues need to be defined that are specific to your business, whilst the level of data protection needs to be as secure as possible to avoid any cyber-security breaches.

  1. You’ll need to train in-house teams

An obstacle to overcome is workforce adoption of cloud services, as you’ll need to ensure teams are prepared and able to work productively. Training should be provided to avoid any disruption to your business and help with a seamless cloud migration.

  1. Have a Disaster Recovery Plan

The worst-case scenario needs to be planned for, so in the event of a loss of data or a breach, or even a service outage, you already know what to do. Having a clearly defined backup and restore plan of data can ensure you can reset quickly and retain the most important information. A service provider will help define the best options to choose just in case things go wrong.