Do you know what the term proprietary eponym stands for?
Every time you “google” something instead of browsing, when you ask for a Coke instead of soda, or when you FedEx something instead of mailing it, you’re actually using a brand name instead of the actual term.
Proprietary eponyms are result of an extensive, effective, and an innovative advertising strategy. Companies that managed to replace a commonly used term with their brand name are titans in their industry – which is what every aspiring business needs to strive towards.
Although some traditional marketing methods are still in play, you do need to conduct serious research and learn about contemporary advertising in order to surface in the today’s highly saturated market.
You Need a Story
The most relevant side-effect that’s a direct consequence of this highly competitive market we’re dealing with is the existence of a significant number of very similar businesses.
Your primary goal should be to make your company stand out.
In order to achieve that, you need to build authentic content. Your audience, regardless of your business industry, will respond to uniqueness.
Not only this – you also need to give your business a personality. Companies that have a background story to offer are simpler to connect with. Therefore, you need to give your business a character so that your audience can relate to it.
If you’re uncertain where to start, check out these examples.
Be Generous
The fastest way to make your leads fall in love with your brand is to give them free stuff. Everyone likes free stuff.
Doing this will show your audience that you’re not in it for the money alone, but that your brand radiates generosity, which means that you genuinely care for your customers. So, don’t hesitate from organizing free events and delegating gifts.
Award Loyalty
Customers that are loyal to your business need to be treated like a treasure.
Word of mouth is still the most effective advertising method – even though it’s the oldest one. Customers who are satisfied with the treatment you provide won’t hesitate from sharing their experience with people around them.
Build Bridges
Being friendly will win you a lot of points.
As a contemporary business, you need to strive towards building a supportive, welcoming environment. For you to be able to survive the fierce competition, you need to make powerful friends. Building brand awareness is also possible through other companies – your partners.
However, professional relationships aren’t the only ones that need your attention. If admirers of your brand, people who have the same interests, still don’t have a place to connect and share their thoughts, you should build one for them.
By building bridges, you’ll actually manage to develop an entire community.
Attack Social Media
We already mentioned that word of mouth as a method that requires your full attention, but so does its contemporary medium.
Social media offer platforms for open communication where customers share their opinions and experiences. You need to gain full control over social media, and be omnipresent on every platform, so that you can direct and form public opinion about your brand.
Brand Everything
So that anyone can actually remember your company, you need to put your business on the map.
You need to paint the world in the colors of your brand. Perhaps this company can give you a hand; Gear Heart is a business that can stigmatize your logo on practically everything – even food. If you want your business to climb on the top of proprietary eponym list, you need to make a serious effort.
Share Your Expertise
Not only that your content needs to be personalized, like we mentioned in the beginning, it also needs to radiate your expertise.
Professionalism is a highly respected characteristic. If you manage to show that your team gathers employees who are experts, and who are considered to be serious professionals in their niche, you’ll be able to attract many curious eyes.
Well, the truth is that building brand awareness isn’t a simple process. You’ll have to invest a lot of time and energy, and dedicate an entire team to it. However, with persistence and determination, and the use of effective methods, the entire globe will echo with your brand name.