4 Facts About the Vulnerability Management Policy


Vulnerability management is becoming a crucial aspect of the operations of most organizations. That’s because internet security risks have become more complex.  As such, it is important for an organization to constantly monitor its systems in order to identify security threats early enough. To do this, it needs to craft a vulnerability management policy. Such a policy should be made in a way that, it balances between threats identification, and recommending a course of action as quickly as possible. For an organization looking to craft one, here are 4 facts about the vulnerability management policy.


  1.   The Internet Security Partner you use matters

Unless you run an I.T company that handles most internet security issues in-house, you need a partner. When it comes to vulnerability management, an organization needs to work with a partner that understands network security, and is up to speed with what is happening in the world of cybersecurity. For instance, GA Systems is a respected player in the world of cybersecurity. The company uses an automated system to collect and analyze data, in order to produce analytics that can help in crafting good vulnerability management policies.


  1.   It needs to have a well-defined scope

Like all other policies, a vulnerability management policy needs to have a clearly defined scope. This ensures that the policy meets its objectives faster, and can respond to threats more effectively. For instance, if you want a vulnerability management policy that protects sensitive data, let it be well-defined that it only focuses on this aspect of your systems. This allows for a fast response to any vulnerabilities that may arise.


  1.  It needs a clearly defined chain of command

In setting a vulnerability policy, it is important to designate an employee or group employees that interact with the system directly. This is important for responding to the vulnerabilities when they arise by creating a clear chain of command. For instance, in a scenario where the vulnerability requires an urgent overhaul of the system, such an employee can quickly authorize it. The idea is to ensure that bureaucracy, and lack of information flow does not affect the company’s ability to protect its data in case of an attack, or a vulnerability that makes it easy to attack. Fast-response can save a company millions in potentially lost data.


  1.  It needs to offer clearly defined solutions

Identifying vulnerabilities is not the only focus of a vulnerability policy. The solutions should also be clearly defined. Some of the solutions that should be readily available include a total system overall, and quick fixes that can help make the system safer again. The goal is to ensure that solutions can be implemented fast, and correctly. In today’s fast-paced world where security vulnerabilities are changing fast, having a clear idea of which solutions to implement is critical. It can make all the difference between staying ahead of hackers, and losing sensitive data. Considering that most organizations now run on e-data, losing it can be catastrophic.  This makes a well-crafted vulnerability policy a top priority.