While owning a business might be your ultimate goal it isn’t always the only option if you’re aiming for financial freedom. There are many careers out there which can provide you with a fantastic salary and great quality of life.
In this article, we’ll be exploring four roles which might not have initially crossed your mind. Each of these roles comes with a starting salary of $70,000, and can increase well into the six digits.
Packaging Engineer – $85,000+
Manufacturing is often a long and complicated process. With many elements being involved in creating a cost-efficient assembly line, it takes a smart team of engineers to create one. That’s where a packaging engineer comes in. In this role you will be responsible for all the steps along the manufacturing process. It is a varied role and requires you to have a broad understanding of industrial engineering, material sciences, industrial design, logistics and marketing. The complete manufacturing package you will be responsible for designing will need to protect the product, while ensuring the whole process is efficient and cost-effective.
Petroleum Landman – $76,000+
Do you take a keen interest in sales and negotiations, but would like to explore the world at the same time? Well, by working for Doggett Land Services as a petroleum landman you will be responsible for working hand-in-hand with a purchasing company with the aim of securing subsurface mineral rights from landowners on behalf of oil and gas companies. This involves negotiating the cost of the land and finalizing any sales. From there your client will take over and get to work extracting any oil or gas you have located. It’s a tough and demanding role, but one where no two days are the same.
Political Scientist – $110,000+
Ever wondered how the government determines how much pollution it can release into the environment? What about determining which portion of the electorate votes? Or, how we determine the levels of democracy around the world? The truth is that politicians cannot do all the work themselves. Instead, they need to bring in political scientists, who are experts in various fields from air and water pollution to mortality rates. This role involves heavy statistical analysis, so make sure you’re smart with numbers.
Healthcare Administrator – $110,000+
Hospitals aren’t run by the doctors – they are managed by dedicated professionals with many years of training. As a healthcare administrator you will ensure that hospitals are providing quality care to all their patients. This involves scrutinizing current procedures, implementing new policy and ensuring that staff are up to date with the latest training. An MSN MBA dual degree online will train you in handling tasks under the healthcare industry and equip you with the right knowledge for management roles.The returns to this profession are high so it’s best that you get started with the right degree. You will be working closely with various healthcare professional to co-ordinate efforts across the board. You will also be responsible for administrating programs that educate patients and staff on healthy lifestyle habits – this in the effort to prevent further disease and illness and hopefully promoting the benefits of maintaining personal health throughout the community.
While we appreciate that these roles aren’t easy to land, it does go to show that if you invest time into your education and personal development, there are some seriously interesting roles on the market that pay well too.