Some companies have in-house creative teams that work on landing pages and online content. Others engage outside agencies to help create landing pages that convert leads to sales. Whichever approach you use, there are some best practices to follow when designing and creating copy for your website that can lead to better conversion rates. Here are seven of them.
Stick to a Single Message
If you engage a digital marketing agency like Appiloque, you’ll learn that landing pages with more than one message are confusing. You’re better off first determining what you want to accomplish or communicate with your landing page. Then stick to that idea and build on it. Don’t try to delve into so much detail that readers become overwhelmed and leave your page.
Make an Engaging Headline
Once you have a strategy and know what you want to say, make a headline that summarizes your main message. Keep it simple but engaging enough to draw people in and motivate them to keep reading. Make sure people know what you’re offering and why it’s different from what they can find elsewhere.
Include a Unique Selling Point
You can include subheadings that explain the highlights of your unique selling point. However, these should also be succinct and give readers just enough to get them to take action. Try to avoid sentences that discuss two different concepts.
Has a Visually Appealing Design
The images and design elements on your landing page are just as important as your messaging. In fact, they’re probably even more critical. When people see a landing page that looks unprofessional or outdated, they’re more likely to leave. You want visually engaging images that give the impression your company has expertise.
Use White Space and Call to Action Design Elements
Things like the proper use of white space can also play a role in your page’s design. White space includes areas of your page that do not contain any written or visual content. It creates separation between different parts of your message so your visitors can understand them. White space also helps readers scan and digest the material.
Design elements that draw readers’ attention to forms or call to action buttons can increase your page’s conversions. Common techniques include the deictic gaze and arrows that point toward forms. The deictic gaze relies on images that feature human gazes that are in the direction of call to action elements on your page.
Include a Sense of Urgency
If visitors don’t know what you want them to do, chances are they’re not going to do it. That’s why including a single call to action that expresses urgency is so important. First, ask yourself what you want visitors to do. If that’s giving you contact information, ensure your copy on your call to action button communicates the desired action. In this case, it could be “request information today.”
Create a Clear Call to Action
By directing readers, you’re making it clear how they can take action on their interest. However, you want to keep it simple. Don’t over-complicate forms and ask for information you should already have from existing customers. If the goal is to get them to make a purchase, try including an offer or an incentive to do it immediately.
Creating landing pages that convert comes down to embracing sound design and messaging techniques. Remember to focus on one objective and a single message. Create a compelling, easy-to-understand copy. Include visually appealing design elements that engage and direct readers’ attention. Make sure it’s clear what action you want them to take and that you communicate urgency.