7 Savvy Ways To Build Your Brand Channel On YouTube


YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine. So, how do you take advantage of that and get your brand in front of potential customers?


  1. Start Right Now!

You may not think you’re ready for the challenge of starting a YouTube channel, but you need to fearlessly get started right now! Thousands of content creators flock to YouTube daily to try their hands at creating compelling content. This means the longer you hesitate, the more competitors you’re likely to have.

It’s okay that you’re feeling anxious and nervous about the idea of filming yourself. However, start filming content today! It’s important that you learn to cope with your camera anxiety and learn how everything works; starting with the camera to the editing program you’ll use. It’s also a good idea to practice and even consider whether you enjoy making videos in the first place. Experience comes after trial and error!


  1. Understand The Inner Workings Of YouTube

Your first video is unlikely to garner the attention you want. Chances are, it’ll have plenty of flaws and missed opportunities. The idea is to see your own progress down the line. After six months, you should have the ability to look at your first video and see how much your content has improved since then.

As you grow your video making skills, make sure you also think about how YouTube works. Read materials on YouTube as a platform and acquaint yourself with the nuances.


  1. Create A Strategy

Having experience using YouTube is not enough to get eyes on your content. You need to create a strategy that you can stick to and will work for your brand. You can even buy YouTube views to kickstart your channel. Here are some simple questions to ask yourself to help develop your strategy:


*What do I want to achieve with my videos?

Consider the answer to this question from the POV of an average viewer. How will your content keep them engaged and what can they gain from viewing your videos?


*Who is my intended audience?

It is important to consider the kind of people that may show interest in your videos. What are their demographics? Consider their likes and dislikes, personalities, and age as you plan your content strategy.


*How is my content different from everyone else’s?

There are millions of videos on YouTube right now, so what makes your video special? What does it offer your audience that other videos simply can’t right now?


*When will you post new content?

Consider whether you want to publish a new video every day, once a week or maybe a few times a month. Consider the times when your intended audience is most likely to watch your recent uploads. For example, if your videos are intended for a college audience, their schedules are vastly different from your average soccer mom’s.


  1. Build A Niche That’s Entirely Yours

The real success of YouTube is that it offers you a platform where you can carve out a niche for your videos. Consider this: if you’re passionate about travel or beauty products, there are far too many content creators on YouTube already doing this.

Contain your excitement and stick to something very specific, especially at the beginning. By having a specified topic, your target audience is more likely to show interest.

As you build your base of subscribers, you can stretch your creativity beyond your boundaries. That means creating content that perhaps many others have created before you. When you’re first starting out, however, viewers care about the quality of your content and not your personality. It’s tough for those just getting started to understand that their charisma is not enough to pave the way.


  1. Establish A Value Proposition For Your Audience

A value proposition helps summarize the who and the why of watching your videos. This explains in a nutshell who you are and why they benefit from regularly watching your video content. Usually, this proposition should consist of about six words.

Here is a good example of a so-called elevator pitch: “educating your YouTube journey.” This pitch tells the audience members who are likely to find the content interesting, which are video creators and YouTubers in this instance. Though you may miss it, this phrase also explains why you should subscribe to the channel which provides insightful content on growing a channel. Now, it’s time for you to give it a try!


  1. Invest In Quality Audio Equipment

Not investing enough money into video equipment is probably the biggest failure most YouTubers experience at the start. It’s important to invest in quality audio equipment from the start of your videos and here’s why.

People can forgive a bad video, but what they can’t forgive is bad audio. Onboard microphones are possibly the most detested accessories by viewers, so do invest in a designated microphone for your camera. Blue Yeti is a wonderful choice if you decide to work directly from your computer.


  1. Establish Your Own Video Formula

It’s important to create your videos with a certain structure in mind. Develop a so-called template that you can rely on for each of your videos when uploading new content. You have a few seconds to reel viewers in, so use this time wisely in order to create a hook, a teaser or an introduction that entices people to watch. It’s also advisable to construct a call-to-action that gets people to subscribe to your channel. Then, you can proceed to the main portion of your video to either inform or entertain.

It will take time and experience to eventually develop a formula that works for you. The best way to help your own journey is to watch what fellow YouTubers are doing. How did they build structure around their videos? No matter how random their content may seem, there is always a reason behind it.