Have you ever dreamed of starting your own livestock farm? If you answered yes, you are definitely not alone.
In the wake of rising concerns about animal ethics and antibiotics use in commercially-grown meat, more people are investing in personal or community livestock farms as a means to better control their animals’ quality of life and the quality of the meat they eat.
Livestock can include smaller animals like bees, fish or chickens or larger animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and goats, or some combination of each. Starting small can help you decide if you want to pursue livestock farming as a new profession. Another great way to experience livestock farming is to find jobs on farms in Australia to develop your skills.
In this post, learn about eight advantages that come when you create your own livestock farm.
- Livestock farming gives you control over every aspect of the eggs and meat you eat.
In the wake of increasing concerns about how animals are treated, fed, maintained and harvested, venturing out on your own to build your own livestock farm can help you raise eggs and meat you feel good about eating.
- Livestock farming can be done in a sustainable way to help the planet.
Even with international headlines spouting news about the degradation of natural environments due to wide-scale livestock farming, it is possible to raise livestock in a way that does not harm the planet.
This type of “closed-loop” system recycles everything your animals produce, using waste as fertilizer and by-products (hides, feathers, et al) to other industries where there is a need for these materials.
- Livestock farming helps you develop valuable skills.
There is no doubt that you will be on a learning curve when you first begin livestock farming. Over time, you will develop a unique and uniquely valuable skillset that will certainly enhance your outcomes and may even lead you to a new career.
- Livestock farming can bring your community together.
In many communities, livestock farming plays a huge part in the life of the local community, regulating everything from school days and times to the observance of oral holidays, festivals and celebrations.
Livestock farming can be a big part of childhood development and education, even leading to the creation of the next generation of farmers.
- Livestock farming can be an integral part of a working farm.
When livestock farming takes place in conjunction with growing fruits and vegetables, aquaculture, milk and egg production, textiles and other endeavors like bee-keeping, it becomes possible to generate additional revenue streams while reducing the overall overhead required to sustain each.
- Livestock farming can reduce waste, pests, and disease on your property.
Many working livestock farms use their chickens, sheep, and goats to help control pests, clear fields for planting, replenish the soils and other functions.
These and other animals can also make profitable and productive use of lands that might otherwise be deemed “marginal” or even unfit for use by enriching the soil, clearing away difficult invasive plant species and helping to re-pollinate important and beneficial local species.
- Livestock farming can reduce the burden on commercial enterprises.
When you decide to launch your own livestock farm, you reduce the burden on commercial enterprises commensurate with your output.
Perhaps even more urgently, you reduce the demand for genetically modified organism-based (GMO) feeds, medications and husbandry practices that harm animals and lower the nutrient content of the eggs and meat they produce.
By keeping everything in-house locally, you are able to produce a nutritionally sound food source that benefits everyone as well as higher quality products for re-sale and re-use.
- Livestock farming can provide a boost to your local economy.
There is no doubt that livestock farming can create an influx of new opportunities and cash flow into your local community. In some cases, newly established livestock farms have even helped to turn an ailing or failing town around for the better.
From creating new job opportunities for livestock workers to fostering the development of side businesses, everyone in the community stands to gain when a new livestock farm hangs out their shingle.