Balers often are an integral part of an organization’s recycling program. These are industrial compacting machines which convert recyclables into blocks that can be stacked and transported easily. Such units are indeed an asset for organizations of any types and sizes owing to the plentiful benefits that it offers, but not every baler is ideal for every business. Balers help in packing huge piles of recyclable materials into compact shapes, thereby allowing hassle-free shipment and storage.
Smaller organizations can reap from not making much investment as compared to other waste management areas like collection bins. Besides, larger businesses will be capable of making some cash by selling chunks of recyclables to a recycling company. Companies like theme parks, hospitals, restaurants, and retailers are perfect candidate businesses for implementing a baler. To know more, visit recycling balers .com
Broad Classification
Balers are usually of three types- vertical balers, horizontal balers, and mini balers.
- Vertical Balers- These are for those facilities which process a small amount of materials for being baled. Vertical balers typically possess a lower output having up to 1000 pounds bale size. Such balers are generally found in case of retailers where the primary material for baling is cardboard.
- Horizontal Balers- are for generally for use in case of higher production settings like material recovery facilities, recycling centers, and distribution facilities. It is ideal for organizations which produce over 100 tons recyclables every month. On the one hand, vertical balers produce one bale every hour, horizontal balers about 30 bales every hour. They use higher thrust for compressing the materials while the bales, in this case, are tied automatically as opposed to manually in case of vertical balers. In fact, in the case of most facilities, such larger balers are not the right choice owing to its space needs and price tag. Instead, a mini-baler may offer a solution for bringing such technology to a higher number of companies.
- Mini Balers- Though they do not possess the crushing power and capacity as that of large balers, yet are better in handling small volumes of bale-able recyclable materials efficiently. For instance, aluminum cans, plastic shrink wrap, and small cardboard boxes are simpler to bale compared to scrap metal. If your business recycles small quantities of plastic wrap and cardboard boxes, you will not require any horizontal or vertical baler within their operations. Several companies these days are choosing mini-balers for handling their recyclables. That is due to the flexibilities and plentiful benefits they provide compared to the larger counterparts of mini balers.
A Quick Look at the Merits and Demerits
Merits of Mini Balers– These balers create more manageable, smaller bales which are simple to handle. They make it easier in processing and organizing such materials for recycling and at the same time removing it from the waste stream of the facility. With minimal materials getting sent into the landfill, the waste hauler cost automatically will decrease. Above all, small sizes mean small prices too. Owing to its pocket-friendly price, these balers are an ideal solution for facilities that need flexible recycling services. For people having numerous workstations, each making a minimal amount of recyclables, having a couple of mini-balers makes sense instead of a single centrally placed huge baler.
Moreover, its physical requirements may be simpler in accommodating for various facilities. In short, a mini-baler is an ideal option where space is restricted. It does not have the same height requirements and footprint as that of a traditional large baler.
Demerits of Mini Balers– But every good thing comes with a demerit and mini balers are no different. They possess lesser processing power, thus may not be capable of processing all materials. Plastic wrap and cardboard are the key recyclables which can be processed. However, clothing, office paper, aluminum cans, and others will not be the right fit for it. Moreover, some mini-balers are likely to produce bales which are of nonstandard sizes, thus making it challenging to find end-users for purchasing the same.
Merits and Demerits of Large Balers
A large baler indeed is capable of processing more volume of materials than mini-balers, but often its size is a limiting factor. Vertical balers generally require 12 feet vertical space while horizontal balers need 12 feet horizontal space. You must consider the specific space needs of a facility while factoring in the area for moving the bale post-compression. Last but not least, the soaring price may keep away businesses against investing. Most companies have reported that they recoup such investment later on through container and collection rental savings. So it is vital to have thorough knowledge about the upfront investment required for this vast machinery.
Some Real-World Examples
Several businesses have begun to use recycling balers, thus enjoying the saving rolling in. For instance, DHL has shifted from a single large recycling container to two individual balers- one of plastic and one of cardboard. Again, Toyota dealership uses small cardboard balers for saving a good amount on container rentals. The Stone Bridge High School reduced the trash picks by about 40%, and the University of Mary Washington saved money, energy, and tine by baling cardboard in house. They additionally were capable of decreasing the food cans and reduced the waste disposal price and volume by almost 90%. A leading computer retailer that specializes in IT experienced their baling investment being paid back within a year owing to good savings on container rental and collection costs.
Final Thoughts
Before introducing any form of waste management tool in a business, take care to evaluate the waste stream carefully. Take note of the main areas where recyclables will get generated along with the waste material types and volume, which may be an ideal candidate for the baling equipment. The bottom line is, business owners must take into consideration these factors before selecting a baler- the material quantity, the equipment’s lifespan, as well as the capacity for operating the equipment safely. Conducting the much-needed research will pave the way for environmental impact and maximum savings for one’s company.