I am ashamed of the President’s administration and his party as they go along with all the damage he is doing to this great country and to the American taxpayers/people. I am ashamed of the administration and the Democratic Party for the hole they are digging for our kids & grandkids in adding trillions of dollars to our deficit and debt. I am ashamed of the administration and Democratic Party in being complicit and being involved in some of the biggest cover ups this country has ever seen including Benghazi, fast and furious, presidential eligibility, election/voter fraud, green energy, business/employment destruction, ruining the value of the dollar and lying to/betraying the American taxpayers/people on a daily basis. I am ashamed of an administration and party that no longer cares about our great constitution since most of them took an oath to uphold it. I am ashamed of an administration and party that does not mind raising taxes, but appears to have problems paying them. I am ashamed of an administration and party that utilizes the Chavez/Obama media to move their communist/socialist agenda against the American taxpayers/people.
I am ashamed of a congress that is paid a lot of money with great benefits we will never have or see and cannot get anything done or accomplished. I am ashamed of a congress that passes legislation that adds taxes ($1.2 trillion alone with Obamacare) to all taxpayers, places unprecedented regulations/fines on taxpayers and businesses to only disrupt and put them out of business. I am ashamed of a congress where they can participate in insider trading while placing ordinary citizens in prison. I am ashamed of a congress where the senate and representatives no longer represent the American people, but themselves and their personal interests. I am ashamed of a senate that has not and will not pass a budget in the past four years. I am ashamed of them for spending more than they are taking in. I am ashamed of a congress where the house (John Boener) passes bills and the senate (Harry Reid) sticks them in a drawer and will not even vote on them. I am ashamed of a congress that has no term limits and passes laws where they exempt themselves. I am ashamed of them for not upholding and protecting the constitution after they took an oath to do so and are trying to transform America into a communist/socialist country. They continue to waste money on pet projects for special interests/constituents that contribute to their campaigns to get them elected or re-elected. I am ashamed of a congress that continues to pass laws and regulations to take away our freedom and liberty. I am ashamed of a congress that never reads bills, but slams them down our throats mostly because they make an exception in each one that it does not apply to them.
I am ashamed of the Chavez/Obama media for hiding the truth and not reporting to the American people about election/voter fraud, not properly vetting of democrats for office especially the president and vice president while making up stories against their opponents, not investigating/reporting on large cover-ups by this president, his administration, congress and others. I am ashamed of a media that does not care about the truth and will report lies to assist the worthless president, corrupt administration and other politicians. I am ashamed of a media that is more concerned about a democratic/communist agenda than the real story. I am ashamed of the Chavez/Obama media for their hypocrisy and liberal stance. It appears the media knows very little about history as president BHO. I am ashamed of the Chavez/Obama media for only reporting the side of the liberal/socialist/communist point of view.
I am ashamed of the Chavez/Obama Supreme Court for ruling against the constitution and changing Obamacare law to a tax just to get it passed and bring undue hardship on the majority of American taxpayers and businesses. I am ashamed of the Chavez/Obama Supreme Court for upholding religious rights for Muslims and denying them for Christians. I am ashamed of court justices that interpret the constitution to meet their agenda and want to change it to conform to their ideology.