We all want to have a business that succeeds. However, many of us do not know how to properly promote a business to attract customers. This article is going to go over eight different ideas that can help promote your business in positive manners so that you are attracting more customers. You should know that there are many different options out there to help promote a business.
1. Go Guerilla
This is a type of marketing that adds creativity, originality, and imagination. Keep in mind that Filmsource can help. Many businesses can use guerilla marketing to help improve their business. Many small business and large businesses are going to use this tactic to market their creativity to draw in more customers.
Let us take a look at a few examples of guerilla marketing to give you a better idea of what it is.
- If your business has a brick outside you can use this area to make beautiful art with chalk.
- If your product can be used in the streets, you can employ an agent that is undercover to promote your products without being in your face about it. For example, if you are selling cameras you can ask people to take photos with that camera and then you can have your agent rave about how good the camera is.
- Flash mobs can be a great idea for grabbing the attention of a crowd and promoting your brand.
2. Use Social Media
According to research and studies, about 2/3 of American adults are using social media. This is increasing by the day. The most popular social media outlets that are used are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, and Snapchat. Each platform is different and unique. Plus, it provides a different way to interact with others. You should try to use a few of these and master them before you try to master these all at once.
Social media allows you to reach out to the public without having to spend a ton of money. It also allows you to engage with more people than you would with newspapers or advertising boards.
3. Make Sure Content is Valuable
When creating content for online, you should always make sure it is valuable. Your customers will appreciate it and so will Google. You can share information in many different ways. You can blog, host podcasts, create videos, use infographics, and submit articles to authority sites. You will gain authority and get free traffic. You can also be a guest blogger for a website or be a guest and be interviewed on a podcast.
Keep in mind that you do not always have to make the content yourself. Freelancers are a great option to help you create the content you need. Plus, these workers can put their ideas and spins on your older ideas. You can hire writers, personal assistants, and graphic designers online.
4. Participate in Contests and Giveaways
You cannot tell me one person who does not like free items. You should try to give away items that are fun or desirable that will allow you to connect with your new or potential customers. These items don’t need to be the most expensive items, but they should be useable and fun.
You can also promote products through different platforms. This could include groups such as Facebook. You can offer your group members a free product or a discount price if they leave you an honest review. You can also try using physical gifts that feature advertising. This could mean magnets, pens, notepads, balloons, or keychains. People use these items and your brand or product gets seen.
Viral marketing can make your product interesting, fun, and attractive. For example, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This would be considered viral marketing. These marketing techniques spread the word about your business and they are very fun to do and become a trend.
5. Piggyback Your Partners
If you are a smaller business and you do not have a huge budget for marketing, you should partner with a complementary business. This can be vendors, suppliers, or manufacturers. You both win when the business takes off and there is more credibility when you are recommended by another business.
For example, you and your partner business can exchange a list of customers. You can offer to pay a commission for every sale that you are making. You just have to make sure that it is okay with your customers to share their details before doing this technique.
Participating in direct mail marketing is also a good option. You can offer to share the cost of postage and you can include your own businesses flyers in other businesses mail. You can put your business cards in another business’s waiting area.
It is also a great idea to seek a partnership with your existing customers. You can create a rewards program for referrals. This means when a customer refers another person to your business, they get a reward. It is very easy and fun to do plus, word of mouth is a great way to promote a business.
6. Use Advertising Channels
Most advertising such as radio, television, or newspaper ads can be very expensive. Plus, these ways make it hard to measure how effective these methods of advertising are. However, online advertising is going to be cheaper and it will target more people. The most popular online advertising options are the Google Pay Per Click ads, as well as Facebook ads. You should also make sure to list your business in the online directories. This includes Google Maps, Yelp, and Google Business.
There are also a few other methods that are cheap or free for your business to do.
- Play your promotions on the telephone while your customers are on hold.
- Use window decals to advertise.
- Bumper stickers and car magnets that are advertising your information.
- Using email signatures or letterheads with your information.
- Using a mailing list to send special discounts or promotions.
7. Milk the Media
You can get your business featured by the media and it will be free marketing. You will, however, have to get the media to come to you and cover the story. Below are a few examples of how to get the media to cover your story and feature your business.
- Do a publicity stunt. You should be crazy with these but not too much where people can get hurt or it throws people in the wrong direction.
- Give back to the community or do something for your community. You should send out a press release before the event happens. Free meals, free haircuts, and other ideas are all great for this giving back.
- You can sponsor events by donating the products you make or services as a giveaway, prize, or even host your own contest.
- Lastly, nominate your business or yourself for a business award or contest.
You should also seek out opportunities that help you. This includes being interviewed for a print, radio, or even a television. This will help you reach more people in less time.
8. Help Yourself by Helping Others
All the different ways you market your business should be useful to your audience. You should be welcoming your audience, not annoying them with your marketing techniques. There are ways to properly market without annoying and that is what we are looking at below.
- Always provide useful information. When a business markets their information it is very effective at making their sales increase. You are educating the audience on something that they care about. You are growing your customer base and making yourself part of the solution. You can host classes or events or even a webinar to do this. You should offer to speak at events to help promote as well.
- You should answer questions that are on your forums or websites. This will be your providing assistance to your customer base. You should direct your questions to your website.
- You should always try to entertain the audience. Engage with them and make them laugh and cry. Funny advertising is a great option and it gets a lot of attention. Plus, people love to share funny advertising online which allows you to reach more people.
Promoting a business is not that hard if you think about it. It is about being social and getting yourself and your business out there. The more people you engage with and provide information to, the more people you have as potential customers. Plus, advertising does not have to break the bank. This means companies big and small can promote their products without worrying about funds. Engaging with your customer base is the fastest and easiest way to promote your business. Word of mouth is going to bring in a lot of new customers if your existing ones have loved your services. Whether you are selling a product or promoting the services you do, advertising is going to help you out in a good way.