Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston) recently interviewed Bill Balderaz .
About the interviewee
Bill Balderaz Fonder of Webbed Marketing, grew the company from a one-man consultancy to one of the largest and fastest growing independent interactive marketing agencies in the Midwest. In 2011, Webbed Marketing was acquired by Fathom. The combined organization is one of the largest, fastest growing, and most recognized online marketing firms in the country. Bill currently serves as a member of the Fathom senior leadership team and President of Fathom Healthcare.
He began working in the search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising and social media world in 1998, prior to the launch of Google. He has spoken on Internet marketing topics at more than 150 conferences and events, including those sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America, the American Marketing Association and Search Engine Strategies. Bill holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Bowling Green State University, an MBA from Franklin University and is an ordained minister. He serves on the board of two nonprofit organizations, Chapel Hill House and Lifting Hopes, both of which focus on helping children and families battling cancer.
Tell me about your firm (number of employees, location, type of companies you work with, etc.).
We have 150 employees at Fathom with locations in Cleveland, Columbus, Chicago, Detroit and San Diego. We help hospitals, healthcare systems and related business reach patients, caregivers and other healthcare professionals online.
Tell us about what you see as the challenge in reaching C-Level individuals today?
Hospital executives are so busy. There is not a more chaotic industry in our economy. Healthcare reform and legislation have added layers and layers of complexity in the industry. To get there attention is extremely difficult.
What mistake do businesses make when it comes to reaching such individuals?
They talk about the vendors business, rather than the hospital’s business. Don’t talk about services, or your history, or philosophy. Find a real relevant problem and solve it. We never talk about SEO or social media when trying to reach these individuals, we talk about today’s headlines.
Why is it important for your firm to have a relationship with C-Level executives?
Ultimately, the buck stops there. The C-Levels set the tone and when they support an initiative, it will have wide spread support.
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