Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston) recently interviewed Chris Mitlitsky. Here’s that interview
About the interviewee
Chris Mitlitsky, MBA is the owner of Automation Playbook and has been an Infusionsoft Certified Consultant for 5 years. He helps launch businesses by creating automated marketing campaigns that run on autopilot.
Tell me about your firm (number of employees, location, type of companies you work with, etc.).
Automation Playbook is based out of New Jersey, but services clients nation-wide. We currently have 10 employees with an additional 5 virtual employees. We work with a variety of companies, from self-help to doctors, lawyers and financial services. If you a running a business and are looking to automate your marketing practices, we would love to work with you.
What type and size of companies do you have as clients?
We work with small to medium sized businesses, anywhere from 5-50 employees. This is our preferences because these companies are large enough to have an effective marketing budget, but small enough not to have multiple decision makers and company policies that hinder the marketing process.
What comes to mind when you see this topic?
The 4-Hour Work Week was the book that motivated me to become an entrepreneur. It was the first true business book I ever read and within 6 months I was able to quit my job and go out on my own… And never look back. There are many small points in the book and if you implement just a few of them, the results add up. Here are my major takeaways:
“Touch it Once” – If you are going to open an email, read it, respond to it and deleted. Stop marking them as “unread” and revisiting them 10 times.
“Don’t be a Slave to your Email” – Check your email twice a day, maximum. I check mine and 10am and 4pm and address all of them.
“Set Expectations” – Inform your clients about how you read and respond to emails. Don’t ask for their permission, just inform them that is how you do business.
“Outsource things you don’t like” – I HATE doing accounting, so I outsource it. I HATE junk mail, so all my business mail gets forwarded to a firm who weeds through the garbage and sends me the important stuff. I do not like doing my own SEO, so I outsource it to a firm who does a great job.
What are the best practices when it comes to this issue?
The best practices when it comes to this issue to stay consistent. If you have a set process for everything you do, do not deviate from it. That is when issues arise. Inform your clients of your “4 Hour Work Week” practices and tell them that is how you do business. If you have a set process, people respect it and they respect you. Then you become more efficient than ever.
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