3 Data Security Tips that Successful Business Owners Use

data security tips for business

Data security is imperative for every business, no matter what the size. You may think that your small business isn’t going to be yet another news story around cybercrime, but you could be wrong. 

No matter how insignificant your business may seem, even if you don’t feel you have data that’s of use to anyone, your company is still just as much at risk as large corporations with lots of data to exploit.

There’s only one difference: You don’t have the same recovery tools and advantages that a large corporation has. When Microsoft experiences a breach, it can eventually recover its reputation and profits. Can you say the same about your business?

Your company could lose a lot of money as a result of poor data management and a lack of data security. It could also damage your company’s reputation because potential clients may be unwilling to share personal information with you and look for products and services elsewhere. 

If you’re looking to increase your data security, take a look at these three data security tips that successful business owners use to keep their businesses safe.

Create and encourage the use of strong passwords

Many companies still have weak password policies, resulting in plain, generic, and easy-to-guess passwords for critical accounts with access to sensitive and valuable data. 

You can improve your protection in this field by implementing strong passwords. Use passwords that are relatively complex and update them at least once every 90 days. Passwords like “12345” or “Admin1” should never be used. Never write down your passwords and encourage your employees to follow suit.

Put in more time and effort into data security services

Many executives have admitted that investing more money and time in data security is a must, as data security remains the number one danger to your IT infrastructure. With the recognition that cybersecurity must be an essential part of all business operations, many large corporations with sensitive business data are nominating chief security officers, frequently to director level roles. 

Cybersecurity services in California are pretty easy to come by, but make sure you’re satisfied with your choice and the level of protection they can offer. Look for services such as a managed cloud, data management, server management, and IT security to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

React quickly to breaches your system alerts you to

Take the time to make an effective alert system. If your employees are overwhelmed by notifications, they might develop alert fatigue and begin to ignore them. On the other hand, if your employees receive little-to-no notifications, they might not even know an emergency is happening. Strive to strike a balance between the two.

It may be something as simple as a member of your team making too many failed login attempts, but it will enable you to respond quickly to security breaches and fix any problems that arise. Since some cybersecurity systems lack this function, business owners may not be aware of a potential data breach right away.

Finally, anyone with a username and password is responsible for keeping data secure. IT administrators must remind their managers and staff on a regular basis that they must not share login information with anyone else. Data security is everyone’s responsibility, not just that of a small group of IT technicians, and should be practiced daily.