Efficient Ways to Improve Your Company’s Supervisors’ Performance


Supervisors are essential for the success of a company, as they are responsible for creating a competitive working environment. However, this job requires top skills and a lot of devotion, and many entrepreneurs are struggling to improve the skills of their supervisors, in order to fill the gap between the management and the employees. To improve the skills of your supervisors and to drive them to constantly come up with improvement initiatives, you need a solid plan for boosting supervisory performance. But don’t worry, as we have some tips that will help you achieve this.

1. Asses your supervisors’ skills

Before making any plans for performance improvements, you must first evaluate each supervisor, to see whether they have what it takes to excel at their jobs. Evaluations should take place regularly. Based on the evaluations, you can decide whether or not you need to invest in trainings and other performance improvement tools. Moreover, from time to time, evaluations might also reveal the need for some personnel changes.

2. Communication is essential

First of all, there needs to be a clear communication channel between the senior management and the supervisors. It is important for supervisors to always be up to speed with the company’s goals and plans, and it is also important for the senior management to get feedback and ideas from supervisors. Make sure your supervisors know that you are committed to providing them with all the tools and the support that they need in order to handle their daily tasks and challenges. To motivate their teams, supervisors will often require financial incentives for their teams, so give them the freedom to give rewards, within the company’s budget of course. Keep in mind that your supervisors must inspire and motivate the employees, so make sure that the supervisors are also motivated enough to be an inspiration for their teams.

3. Make sure there is enough time for active supervision

In most companies, actively supervising the employees is just a part of a supervisor’s job. The rest of their time is usually spent on employee training or administrative tasks. Ideally, supervisors, should spend 70% of their time with active supervision, but if you can get them even at 50%, you will surely see immediate improvements. To make sure that supervisors actually have time to actively supervise, encourage them to delegate some of their administrative tasks, either through rotation or by appointing a team leader. This will not only allow them more time to do what is really important, but it will also be a great incentive for other employees, who will be eager to take on more responsibilities to prove themselves.

4. Invest in a good training program

A great way to evaluate and improve supervisory skills is with a comprehensive training program. There are many options available for supervisory training, but for the best results, opt for the Supervisory Skills Questionnaire – Trainer’s Bundle. This is a comprehensive training program that includes numerous tools for a full day training. It is suitable for training up to 3 teams of 5-7 supervisors at the same time. The program includes a facilitator guide, sample materials for the participants, support facilitator materials, games, a mood audio CD, a presentation CD and much more.

5. Track your efforts daily

A great way to see whether or not your supervisor performance goals are going according to plan is to ask supervisors to track their daily activities. This means that the supervisors will need to complete a list of daily tasks and objectives and give daily feedback on their work. This can be a little challenging for the senior management team, as they will have to allocate at least half an hour per day for daily meetings to assess and come up with solutions for improving the supervising process. However, this step is essential if you want to improve your supervisors’ skills. Moreover, you should encourage the supervisors to also hold daily meetings with their teams, so that they can actively apply your performance improvement strategy.