Guest topic: Political Preparation – Guest Chris Baucom, Political Consultant
Topic: Understanding Political Control in Your Preparations
1) Perceptions of Media and Politics with the latest collusion information
2) Preparation to deal with losing with your candidate – Hillary or Trump
3) The vitriol of this election is tantamount to Civil War without the weapons
4) Don’t lose friends or family over something that is not in your control
5) Don’t use Social Media to bully your “friends” over something you still don’t control
6) The controllers – divide and conquer – Balkinizing America
Ross Powell, is the Founder of Survival 401k, LLC. Ross was raised in San Antonio and graduated from the University of Texas and is a veteran Naval Officer.
Ross worked in banking and finance for almost 30 years including some of the largest banks and insurance companies in the country. His intimate knowledge of the inner workings of financial institutions helps him direct clients into our Solo 401k product to take control of their retirement funds and escape the pitfalls many see in modern retirement portfolios. His knowledge and access to alternative investments outside of Wall Street has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs find predictable results by helping them segment their retirement plans into wealth preservation, growth and liquidity. An avid fan of being prepared for the unexpected, Ross also guides his clients in preparing their lives and portfolios for the changing world to make Wise Decisions in Perilous Times.
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