Graduated Glasses or Contact Lenses?


In the competitive world of sports, where the smallest details make the difference and, considering that 80% of the information we receive from abroad arrives through vision, the athlete is guaranteed to have their performance enhanced with an adequate vision. Any athlete who needs vision correction should also use it in sports to ensure that performance is not affected. But what is the best alternative for those who need correction: prescription glasses or contact lenses?

Today, those who suffer from vision problems do not necessarily need to wear prescription glasses. In addition to this option, there are also contact lenses and, when applicable, myopia surgery.

There are those who prefer to wear only prescription glasses and those who prefer to wear contact lenses, as each person adapts better to a type of treatment and there are also those who alternate between using both. Thus, it is important to know the pros and cons of using each treatment for vision problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of wearing prescription glasses:

The main advantage of using prescription glasses to correct vision problems is that they do not pose a risk to eye health, as they do not touch the eye, as is the case with contact lenses. Eyeglasses are the most traditional form of treatment for this type of problem and can be found in the most varied shapes, colors and prices.

On the other hand, the use of prescription glasses can cause some discomfort because they distort peripheral vision, which can be a sporting disadvantage. The peripheral vision of glasses restricts or limits visual fields by approximately 15% compared to contact lenses, where vision is more natural.

Glasses can also be considered unattractive for appearance, but this situation is increasingly being reversed. The main negative point of glasses is that they are less practical for use in sports activities, especially those involving possibilities of physical contact, where the use of prescription glasses can even be considered dangerous and can break and cause injuries.

The use of prescription glasses in sports activities, if they are not a specific model for practicing sports, can become very uncomfortable. With sweat and the impact of the activity, the glasses may fall off, or even if the athlete wears a tape, there simply may not be a perfect fit to the face and there may be discomfort.

There is also the possibility that prescription glasses fog up with changes in temperature during the activity, making vision difficult, and unless the athlete has prescription sunglasses, the disadvantage of the athlete is not being able to protect their eyes with UV protection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wearing Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a more practical alternative in some respects than eyeglasses. They can be used in sporting activities, without the disadvantage of having a risk of breakage, and allow the athlete to select good sunglasses specific for sporting activity, with UV protection to avoid damage caused by radiation. In the case of running, as there is air displacement, it is recommended to wear protective glasses to prevent tear drying (which allows contact lenses to fall) and the penetration of dust or other impurities.

However, contact lenses require more care, hygiene and time of dedication so that their use is not harmful to eye health. You must always keep them clean and pay attention to the expiration date. Another disadvantage of wearing contact lenses is that it is necessary to be as careful as possible when putting them on the eyes so as not to contaminate the lenses with impurities present on the fingers and nails.