Nowadays with business popping up everywhere, you need to do something extra to promote your company and make it stand out from all the similar organizations. With everyone having a phone in their hand it is a necessity to mark your online presence. Now mostly all web hosting services burn a hole in your pocket to create your very first website and purchase the domain. But if you are looking for a cheap web hosting service, Hostinger is the best and the ppost popular choice for you.
With you will get high server speed, free domain name and also a free website builder. So what exactly is this Hostinger?
Hostinger- what is it?
A Lithuana based company that calls themselves Hostinger is the most trustable and cheap web hosting company which will provide you with SSD powered hosting and domain registration at a negligible amount of money. They have over 29 million active users, and they also get 20,000 new users joining them every day.
They give users the facility of unmetered and unlimited web hosting along with a lot of space and top quality cloud features. If you start to use, you will be able to host any website using FTP, MySQL databases, and your email accounts.
Hostinger- tutorials base
Hostinger has over hundreds of tutorials available for you in a variety of languages and options. You will be in touch with their round the clock customer support services in case you need help with anything. There are knowledge based articles just for you, available on each page via a widget. Our dedicated support team is available 24*7 when you need any support via live chats, online tickets or email.
Hostinger – features
Like I already said provides free online support twenty four seven. They have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. There are free domains and SSL certificates and backups. There are also site builders and speedy SSD optimization. Along with all these, you get databases, email accounts, and bandwidth. All plans on have unmetered disc space and bandwidth that would fit any need you might have from your website. The virtual servers of hostinger are built on cloud network, so if you host your website with them, you get the assurance of top availability and websites which are always on.
Hostinger- Price
Rightly said, with hostinger you will not have to burn a hole in your pocket to make your online presence. They offer 99.9% service uptime guarantee. In case they don’t meet this you can ask for 5% credit of the monthly hosting fee that you give. I found to be the cheapest web hosting company online.
Their single web hosting services start at 0.79 dollars per month. With this, you get 10 gb storage, a 100 b bandwidth, one sub domain, and 1 email id. This is the best deal if you are taking your first online step and you don’t want to invest a lot of money on your website.
The premium web hosting plan comes at 0.89 dollars per month, and you get an unlimited storage, and unlimited bandwidth a dedicated IP address and 1 Gb of free RAM. This is personally my favorite deal as you can save so much if you opt for this one.
The business web hosting option comes with 1.49 dollars a month, and they provide you with unlimited storage and bandwidth. Also, they provide an unlimited number of domains and number of emails.
With Their VPS (Linux virtual private servers) hosting plans you have the most powerful Cloud VPS hosting. You can also Supercharge your website with a dedicated server space and a full SSH root. With the lowest cost, they provide your cloud infrastructure and limitless resource scalability. Get Simple and cheap VPS hosting at the same price of the shared web hosting.
Hostinger – comparison with other companies
Before you should start reading this, I would like to tell you that hostinger has almost zero competitors that are no online services provide as cheap web hosting as does. Still, the other companies in the same domain like Site5 or YepUpHost and Dotster provide good services, but when it comes to the same feature, hostinger has got the cheapest pricing out of all these and thus we can say hostinger is the only option here.
Thus Hostinger provides us a good value for the money we invest. They have quality site manager; it is almost similar to cPanel. The site builder has no limitations whatsoever. You can choose to design your site whichever way you want it. You can without any tension give them the secure access to the websites you created. So all in all Hostinger is a clear cut winner you must use it for online web hosting. Try out by clicking here.