The essay just may be the most dreaded assignment in every student’s life. Throughout every student’s school career, each time that a teacher or professor has announced that the class will have to write an essay (i.e. descriptive, discursive or an explanatory essay) or a book summary (i.e. A Rose for Emily summary, Bartleby the Scrivener summary, A Good Many is Hard to Find summary, etc.), there seemed to be collective feeling of disgruntlement amongst the students, no matter the topic of the essay. You can feel the atmosphere change as every student in the class begins to think about the tireless amount of research and the countless number of hours that it will take to craft the perfect “A” deserving essay. What’s worse is that most of the time, essay topics are things that students care nothing about, which means that they have to make a topic sound interesting that they themselves are not even interested in at all.
Over the last few years, many students have realized that there is much more to essay
writing in school than just answering a prompt. Having to write essays helps to make you
adaptable, creative, and teaches you how to effectively communicate, all of which are important to finding and keeping a job in the real world after school.
Adaptability and Creativity
One skill or characteristic that is important, yet, not discussed very often, is adaptability.
If there is one thing that writing essays will make you, it is adaptable. Throughout a person’s
educational career, they will have to write several essays and, as stated above, many of those
essays will be over subjects that students don’t care for or have a passion about. Because of this, writing essays helps you to become both adaptable and creative. Having to write about a topic and make it seem more interesting than you believe it is, is an important skill in life, especially when it comes to finding a job.
Applying for a Job
When applying for jobs, people will have to create and submit things like resumes and cover letters to potential employers. Writing essays helps people with these things because it prepares them for putting a creative spin on information that is not typically very interesting like work experience and interest statements. Essay writing teaches students to adapt to things or situations that may be uninteresting or seem everlasting because in the end, working hard to complete the task will be worth it. This principle applies to essay writing and finding a job; the process can be long, and the steps may be boring, but in the end, it will be worth the reward.
Communication skills
The most relevant skill for finding and keeping a job that is always required for and
strengthened through essay writing is the skill of communication. For the most part, no matter
what career field communication skills are essential to job success, so many employers consider
those skills above all others when it comes to hiring qualified candidates for a job. If you search
several websites and articles for the top skills that employers look for in potential employees, you will see that on every article and website, communication skills are either the first or second choice for employers.
Writing enough essays over time helps people learn how to properly interpret messages because they have to read a prompt and write an essay that accurately answers that
prompt. Employers look for this skill because they want to know that employees have the ability to interpret and properly follow instructions and messages.
Writing essays also helps people learn how to organize their thoughts in an effective way. Employers look for this because they want their employees who are able to organize their thoughts and feelings in a cohesive manner, whether that be through verbal or written communication. Lastly, writing essays helps people learn how to choose the perfect words to convey the right message. Learning how to organize and express thoughts through writing will also lead to learning how to do the same through verbal communication, and employers look for employees who are strong in both communication forms. Essay writing helps people get jobs because it strengthens the skills that employers value the most.