There are a few ways to extend the reach of your Ethernet cable without compromising the speed and reliability of the connection. While the maximum distance Ethernet cables are designed to stretch a signal is 100 meters, there are a few products that will allow you to join multiple cables effectively.
Understanding how a signal is transmitted can help us understand why there is a limit to how far it can be transmitted. From an understanding of how we can figure out how to get around these roadblocks. With those roadblocks handled, there is much less restraint on how far we can send a signal.
How Copper is Used to Transmit Information
Copper is an extremely conductive metal. It is also a readily available metal. How does it send information? By using electromagnetic waves, according to Thompson Reuters. Sending information is a bit like speaking. We do not put the information directly into someone’s mind but send it through vibrations. Once the information is converted into electromagnetic waves, it can be sent to another computer that will process the information and output it to another user.
Another ideal property of copper is its reliability. Some other conductors may not as easily transmit the information. With copper, you have a reliable connection within the previously stated 100 meters or 328 feet.
Extending Your Connection: The Five Best Methods
There are five reliable methods of extending your Ethernet cable connection. While we will cover the basics of these extensions, you can also read more here. With a few basic tools, you can extend your connection not only in length but to multiple people depending on your needs.
The most basic method for extending your connection via Ethernet cables is by combining two cables with an inline coupler. These couplers attach one end of both cables to extend the reach of the cable itself, but if you create a cable longer than 100 meters, your performance will be affected. This method is best suited for connecting two shorter cables.
Another ideal method for extending your cables is using coaxial extenders. Many buildings built within the last few decades feature coaxial cables in their infrastructure. It is a little more complicated than connecting two wires but will allow you to extend the reach up to 1000 meters.
If you are looking to take your connection even further, UTP Ethernet extenders are another great choice. Depending on the device, some ETP Ethernet extenders can expand a network by upwards of 2.5 kilometers. With UTP extenders, the signal is changed to DSL and back to ethernet before being received. While this option is not as easy to set up, the range is ideal for video surveillance.
For a wider spread of available Ethernet cables, one option is a network switch. This should be used in distances smaller than 200 meters. Using a network switch, you can extend the range of one Ethernet connection into multiple receiving connections. A network switch can be created with any modem or wireless router.
A final option for both extension types is a wireless Ethernet extension. In today’s modern world, wireless internet rules most connections. Many businesses do this using wireless access points, or WAPs for short. They extend access from one point to another like a bridge. Once the wireless connection is made, they can use cable connections to further the signal or continue with Wi-Fi repeaters. A more detailed explanation of wireless connections can be found here:
Making a Connection
Once you have extended your network to the ideal length, you should be able to access it from wherever you need. It is important to make sure you can access your connection from everyone on the network. If you are using a wireless connection throughout our network, it can be as easy as taking a computer or other device around to areas the connection should be accessible from and making sure the devices are still paired and able to access the internet.
Testing a wired connection can be a little more complex as you may need to move to multiple locations with your IT gear if the connections are not working properly. If each location is already set up, a test can be as simple as turning on the computer or device and making sure it is connected properly. For more information on how to test a network, click here. IBM provides information on how to ping connections and several other methods for testing a connection.
Once you have tested your connections, you can move on to working on networking computers together or ensuring all computers have similar connection speed and access.
Final Thoughts
There are five reliable ways to connect across a large span of space. With the information above, you can find the way that will be most reliable for your business or home and use this information to extend your connection range. Whether you need a connection under 100 meters or nearly 2.5 kilometers, these are a few of the most reliable options that have been tested time and again.
Thanks to copper, we have found a way to stay connected at any length and as we continue to advance as a civilization, we may find even more ways to make our access to the internet further reaching. Some cities are even able to boast connectivity using some of the methods above.