How to Keep Data Secure


Data leaks, Identity fraud, and security breaches are incredibly common in our ever-increasing digital society. Network security is paramount when it comes to keeping confidential data secure, and, therefore, limiting the potential for data branches is even more important when it comes to most office workers now working from home or remotely. Data breaches are costly- not only financially, but also for the reputation of your business. Here are some of the things you can do to keep your data secure.

Be Aware of ‘Shoulder Surfers’

‘Shoulder surfing’ is when people look over or even photograph the data displayed on a screen. It is a real risk when working outside of the office, in particular when working with on-screen confidential data. This could look like a person sitting next to you in a coffee shop taking a look at your open emails, or somebody looking over your proposals on the way into the office on the train. With the increasing ease of accessing data, It is incredibly important to practice methods of keeping personal information for yourself or clients’ safe. 

Protecting Data On The Move

Here are some simple, yet helpful ways for remote workers to ensure their privacy when working on the go: 

  1. Protect your screen: Use a blackout privacy filter on the screen, when working in public environments. This will keep data safe from shoulder surfers and ensures that only you can see your screen when sitting head-on. 
  2. Keep Your Devices With You: Don’t leave any of the technology used to store and look at data unattended. Not only does this risk loss of equipment, but also loss of data if they are stolen. If working in a coffee shop, bar, or other public places- make sure to take the equipment with you when leaving the desk. Password protect each device for extra safety.  
  3. Hide Sensitive Documents: Physical copies of data should not be given to the wrong hands. Make sure that any papers with data on are kept securely in a folder, and that it is with you at all times- check for any documents that may have been left behind before leaving a place. 
  4. Don’t keep data for longer than needed: Anything no longer needed should be destroyed using a paper shredder. Documents with confidential data should never be thrown away in general waste. People set out to steal people’s data will often raid the garbage of places they know there could be personal data. 
  5. Learn how to implement zero trust so that only trusted people and devices can access specific data. ‘Zero trust’ has become somewhat of a buzzword recently, but such technology is becoming increasingly necessary. 

It is now more important than ever for remote workers and businesses who manage remote workers to re-establish the ways in which they work outside of a business building. Though working remotely offers staff and businesses further flexibility when it comes to working patterns, ‘shoulder surfing’ adds an increased risk of data theft.
Don’t get caught out.

Cybersecurity Services

As well as protecting data by changing your behavior and being more aware of people around you, you can also outsource your cybersecurity for extra protection. This protects your devices from other kinds of attacks and hack attempts, including if someone is trying to access your data online.

Depending on your business, it might be helpful to use a specific service. For example, medical devices can be especially vulnerable to hacks, and they might be linked to a lot of confidential data. Medical device cybersecurity will protect any devices you or your patients use, so your company is more trustworthy and that information is safe.

You can also make sure you use safe browsing practices and be very aware of phishing or other scams via email. Hackers may try to get you to click links or provide data by sending fraudulent emails or contacting you in other ways.