Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business on Business Talk 1110 AM KTEK (on Bloomberg’s home in Houston) recently interviewed Kevin Barnicle.
About the interviewee
Kevin Barnicle is the Founder and CEO of Controle, LLC.
Tell me about your firm (number of employees, location, type of companies you work with, etc.).
Controle, LLC is a consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations better control the explosion of electronic information. We help companies of all sizes on how to best manage electronic information specifically as it relates to dealing with governing regulations and lawsuits. Controle is a 3 year old company with 25 employees and is based out of Oak Brook, IL but has locations across the United States.
What type and size of companies do you have as clients?
Because the Information Governance industry touches almost every organization we deal with a wide variety of clients from Fortune 50 companies to companies with 200 employees.
What comes to mind when you see this topic?
I was asked to speak to how our organization has successfully incorporated teachings from Tim Ferriss’ “Four Hour Work Week” book. When I first started the company it was just myself working out of my house with no one else to assist. I therefore quickly realized that I had to be become very efficient and effective with my time. The Four Hour Work week has some great examples of how to minimize distractions and focus on productive work. As a result of these lessons I was able to grow the company at a much faster rate than I would have otherwise and I am proud to say that we are now in our third year of business and have 25 employees (in addition to a slew of Virtual Assistants) and have doubled revenue year over year.
What are the best practices when it comes to this issue?
The most important lessons that I personally learned from Tim Ferriss’ Four Hour Work week are the following:
Maximize your time: For me the book was not about finding a way to only work four hours per week. It was about how to maximize your time and outsource the components that do not bring you value or that you are not good at. Your productivity and performance shoots through the roof as a result.
Be open minded: Tim gives great tips to employees on how to negotiate better work from home or remote scenarios. As an employer I welcome these and am able to recruit top talent as a result.
Leverage: Trust me the tactics Tim teaches in the book actually work. I have leveraged many of them and have seen great results. I even was chosen to be interviewed on this topic due to a tip from Tim’s book.
Finally for those of you who haven’t already I highly recommend reading the book. But don’t just stop there try out the techniques!
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