Meeting Must-Do’s: 5 Things You Need for Your Next Business Meeting


Arranging a business meeting to discuss a new deal, make a presentation, or cement an existing relationship, is no guarantee of success, and you need to plan and prepare to increase your chances of achieving your aims.


Here is a look at some of the main things that you need to consider and plan for when arranging a business meeting.


There always has to be a purpose


A key requirement is to identify the specific purpose of the meeting that you have arranged.


Whether it is to iron out a few problems with your colleagues or present a new idea or product to a prospective customer, there always has to be a purpose for the meeting that then allows you to focus your attention on accomplishing your goal.


Once you have clarified the purpose this will make the planning and presentation process a whole lot easier.


Time to prepare


Some meetings have to be arranged at short notice if it is an urgent situation that needs discussing but if you have the luxury of time it makes sense to give yourself time to prepare a proper agenda for the meeting.


Pick a suitable venue


The location for your meeting is another vital ingredient and it often pays to put plenty of thought into where as well as when you be getting together.


If you are trying to mix business with pleasure a location like the Courtyard Niagara Falls would be a good example of a venue that allows you to get the serious business of the day done in a professional environment before enjoying local attractions and amenities as a way of relaxing afterward.


You need an agenda


A successful business meeting often hinges on having a clearly defined structure and an agenda that allows you to cover all the key points in the most efficient way possible.


It would be preferable to work out a sequence of topics and events for the meeting and allow some time for a brief introduction and to provide context if it is deemed necessary to help move things along swiftly.


Time is a precious commodity these days and if you don’t develop a workable agenda that you can follow to a conclusion you run the risk of seeing the meeting lose its sense of purpose and running over the allotted time.


The right invitations


Just as critical as setting an agenda and planning your meeting is the need to select the right participants.


When you are working out who to invite to the meeting take a moment to consider who might be able to help you accomplish your goals and which people are key decision makers that really need to be present.


Too many people can complicate matters, especially of your meeting is aimed problem-solving, so think carefully about who you need to invite and how many is the right number for an efficient and productive meeting.


If you manage to tick all of these important boxes it should boost your odds of achieving a successful meeting.