Dave Mullins, Co-Founder of Mobile Apps for Charity
Tell us about your business.
Mullins defines his company as a marketing company. However, everything that they do begins with the mobile apps they build for nonprofit organizations and charities.
“We have been developing mobile apps for a few years, but this particular project, called Mobile Apps for Charity, a division of our company, is only about a year old. We develop mobile apps for these nonprofit organizations, and we give them to them at no cost to the organization.”
Their target in that regard is small, local nonprofit organizations.
“Once we build the mobile app, we then look to the business community in the neighborhood, and we offer to small businesses what we call marketing sponsorships. These small businesses will sponsor the mobile app, and then receive marketing from us.”
What makes your company a leader in your industry?
According to Mullins, there are a lot of people building mobile apps, but there are not many, if any, doing it the way Mobile Apps for Charity is.
“We are giving of ourselves first, and then connecting small businesses to the local, community-based, nonprofit organization.”
Who or what has influenced you and your team?
When Mullins was in high school, he was a volunteer at the parks and recreation department in the town that he lived in and that was his first experience working with a nonprofit.
Since then, he has had a lot of nonprofits as clients.
“I always saw that the local, community-based ones were under-served, so I came to the conclusion that I could make a difference for them in a new way. Nonprofits need money, yes, but they also need other things—help with technology, for instance, and our company is able to provide that for them.”
What key qualities do you look for in team members?
“I look for people that are solution conscious. I’m a person that understands that there are problems, and issues, and there are questions. I look for people that look at the problem briefly, and then point their focus toward the solution.”
What words of advice do you have for others looking turn their concept into a business?
“I’m in the marketing industry, so my piece of advice is going to center on marketing: make sure you do a little bit of diversification. We consider ourselves marketing generalists. There are a lot of different ways that people communicate, and there are a lot of different ways that people want to be communicated with. So, I suggest that people take a look at various options and get on board with technology.”
Contributed by: Super Julie Braun Written/Edited By: Alexandria Rae Martinez, PR Agent