The coronavirus pandemic laid waste to the economy and put millions of people out of work. While some people will be able to return to their old jobs once the pandemic has subsided, others will need to find a new career path. Here are a few ideas for careers in industries likely to rebound once the world returns to normal.
Accommodation Industry
Most people haven’t traveled much in the past year. Hotels and other accommodations have been completely decimated by the pandemic, with countless businesses having to close their doors for good.
There are two main factors which make a move into the accommodation industry in the next six months a great idea. One is the fact that when people are finally able to travel safely again, you can expect folks to flock to the airports, train stations, freeways, etc., to finally get away. All of these people are going to need somewhere to sleep.
The other factor is that since so many lodging offerings have shut down and will not be reopening, for a short while, demand will outweigh supply. That means that if you are offering accommodation following the pandemic, you can expect to have a full house every night for at least the first few months.
Whether you are simply looking for a job at a new hotel that opens up or trying to start a bed and breakfast or a small motel of your own, now is the time to start making plans.
Event Planning
Speaking of making plans, event planning is another industry likely to see a boom once things open back up. With Netflix being the primary form of entertainment for most people over the last year and social interaction being at a minimum, the desire to go out and experience life is going to be at incredibly high levels for quite a while.
Like with the accommodation industry and the other career opportunities on this list, one of the things that makes this option a great one, if you time it right, is the imbalance between supply and demand due to past suppliers having to close up shop.
Starting an event planning business has the added benefit of being something you can run out of your home. While you might want to have offices someday if your company grows big enough, office space certainly isn’t necessary for the beginning. Unlike many other business ideas, event planning is not a big risk because you don’t have to make a large initial investment to get things started.
If the pandemic had a lesson for event planners, it was likely that when organizing an event, be sure to purchase special event insurance. In particular, event cancellation insurance can really help to save you from a similar situation.
Hand in hand with the event planning industry is the catering industry. With events returning in full force, the majority are going to be requiring food services. If you have been passing your time stuck at home this last year by experimenting in the kitchen, you might want to consider catering as an option for reentering the workforce.
Starting your own catering company requires a bit more of an initial investment than party planning. However, if you are starting out only doing small events, you should be able to do most of the work from home in the beginning.
Construction Industry
Nothing was being built in 2020. Almost every industry was greatly harmed by the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, and as a result, very few businesses were looking to expand.
For the few industries that have come through the pandemic largely unharmed or in an improved position expansion plans were limited to spaces that had been vacated by businesses that had been forced to close. Building owners were desperate to find anyone to lease their properties and were willing to sign lease agreements that largely faired the lessee.
Don’t expect the construction industry to rebound quite as quickly as event planning, catering, and accommodation, though. Companies will likely proceed with caution as they start getting back into a normal flow of operations, and there are still many spaces available that need minimal investment after the previous owners closed up shop.
Weigh Your Options
Whichever path you choose for your new career, make sure to carefully weigh your options. It’s important to consider both your needs and desires, along with any risks of a new career, especially if you are starting your own business. You need to also be careful to take proper care of the money you do earn. One of the biggest lessons of the pandemic is that even a seemingly stable job can be disrupted by the right conditions.