Article by Andy Valadez, Member and Marketing Director for SelfDefenseFund.com
Over 540 gun rights thought-leaders converged on the community of Olmos Park, Texas to address grievances against Chief Rene Valenciano and some of his operational command that have abused Texas citizens according to the protesters and others who have seen documented video footage of the violations (deviating from good policing practices on the streets of Olmos Park) on-line and on social media.
The attendees seeking redress from the municipality leaders, congregated within the limits of San Antonio, Texas which took on a the feel of a family reunion of patriots and friends, prior to departing on a flexible route within Olmos Park. The group did not know what to expect once they set foot within the city limits as the City Council of Olmos had advised the media that no permit had been requested, implying that one was needed. Open Carry Texas who organized the walk, reviewed the ordinances of the town and understood that there was no need for a permit as long as the mass did not impede the public from travel.
Prior to the rally, Chief McManus of San Antonio came to shake hands and greet attendees and supported their Constitutional effort and assisted with blocking traffic and keeping a focus on potential agitators who had threatened to disrupt the group.
Attending Texans and locals were joined by other state supporters from Hawaii, Illinois, Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Connecticut, New Mexico, and Arizona, to name a few. The live-stream run by The Amazing Doc Greene Radio Show with Doc Greene had over 63,000 views and 1,600 shares (to date) and was viewed all over the United States and in the UK. Countless other live-streams were run by news agencies and other major YouTube channels.

The entire live-stream and blog post by The Amazing Doc Greene can be viewed here: Doc Greene (click here)
This event was held April 7, 2018 in Olmos Park and was planned prior to the arrest of CJ Grisham, Founder of Open Carry Texas and retired and decorated Combat Army First Sergeant, on March 27, 2018 in Olmos Park. CJ was tased while trying to dialogue with the police and illegally arrested along with others who were on-site. This case is currently being litigated
The event was attended by several prominent gun rights groups, veteran military and law enforcement supporters, politicians, militia groups, and YouTuber auditors.
The rally route took the group through the town, neighborhood and to the spot where Mr. Grisham was tased and suffered injury.
** Full-disclosure. SelfDefenseFund.com supports gun rights and liberty media across the nation and supports its members at first amendment and secondment amendment rallies. CJ Grisham is a member of SelfDefenseFund.com and will be defended vigorously by a capable legal team.
A statement on CJ’s case was made by himself and his lawyer JL Carpenter: https://www.selfdefensefund.com/legal-counsel-arrested-member-selfdefensefund-com-olmos-park-texas-authorizes-statement/