My name is Ami Pancholi, I was born in Bombay India, currently living in Boston Mass. I came to the states when I was a young lady, age nine. Growing up was very tough for me here. Life was so different when I was in India; It was so easy, so many smiles and laughs amongst my family & friends. We were well established, but that would change once the final move to America was set in stone. My parents did well for a while, but like everything, what goes up must come down and the burden would fall on me. I had to take care of both my younger brother & sister. I had to learn the English language so I could in return teach my siblings & parents. I worked at a very young age to help provide for the family. Age meant nothing in my home, it just meant excuses and my parents accepted none. But that would shape me for who I have become today, the woman writing this short bio. Today, I am a successful business owner of a marketing agency called East Coast Loyalty that I have built into a multi award winning company. I am engaged to my business partner & best friend Angelo Zammit. Today I am what I’ve worked so hard to become, today I am happy, successful and most important, I am free!