Kathie De Chirico
Business Leader and Visionary-2017
As the founder and principal of Visionary Strategies, a brand strategy and business development consultancy, Kathie De Chirico continues to play a key role in helping small to mid-size companies create strategic platforms and development of processes to execute upon strategy. She is often called into these companies as a COO/Executive VP of Business Development for meeting short to mid-term business objectives. Some of her interim roles have been Chief Strategy Officer for Amasta Media, a boutique digital agency in NYC; a COO position at The Bromley Group, a boutique PR Agency for the Fashion and Lifestyle Industry; as well as COO at Vedere.com; and Executive Strategy Officer at VandM.com- a digital e-commerce startup in NYC; Inventory Management Consultant for Hampshire Brands.
In 2015 Kathie was recruited to VVA LLC/VVA Sweett Group to oversee all operational functions and full coordination of personnel as the COO for the parent company and Joint Venture Partnership out of the UK.
As a Director of Brand Development for The Wall Street Journal she lead the launches of WSJStore and WSJTravel and had been charged with the growth of WSJWine business which reached $53 million dollars in revenue. Her key focus was to expand The Wall Street Journal Brand with an eye on the demographics and psychographics of their core customer. Her ability to link the intangible assets of a brand to the tangible assets of a company – namely product, people, and performance is what uniquely attracted Dow Jones to bring her on board.
Tapping into more than 25 years of both retail and wholesale experience in the fashion industry, De Chirico contributes a unique combination of business/enterprise strategy, merchandising and supply chain management systems, and marketing strategy where she works directly with CEOs’ and Presidents of small to mid-size businesses in developing a strategic game plan for growth and long-term value.
Moving to the wholesales side of the fashion industry, she became President/COO of Basic Elements and was directly responsible for all supporting functions of the company including domestic and Asian production, merchandising, domestic and international finance, sales, and marketing.
Throughout her executive career she continued to play a role in International Business Development with her activities include speaking at the Cotton Forum in Mexico City, and “Brand Fitness” sponsored by the Sustainable Economic Ministry for the State Government of Guanajuanto, Mexico.
Kathie De Chirico remains committed to the future of business leadership and thus serves on a number of distinguished advisory boards. De Chirico was a key member of the Board of Advisors for the Executive Women in Fashion Program at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC.
During her first year at Dow Jones, she successfully put together the first Dow Jones Women’s Leadership Program to empower women executives to own their talent. Her contributions have earned her the Chair of the Women’s Leadership Taskforce for the Villanova School of Business as well as being tapped for the Chair of Strategy for Women in the Boardroom’s Advisory Council.
Upon graduating from the Villanova School of Business with her MBA, she was appointed to the Dean’s Advisory Council for the Villanova School of Business (ranked in the top 20 as #11) and asked to Chair the Corporate Relations and Career Development Committee as part of a strategic initiative for the Villanova School of Business. Her exemplary work on the board earned her a spot on the Villanova Business School Situation Analysis Team. She was a key member of the VSB taskforce committees that have facilitated the business school in to a #7 national ranking.
In addition to all of her business focus, Kathie was appointed as one of the first delegates from the Diocese of Metuchen/St. Charles Borromeo Church to begin an international relationship with the Diocese of Santa Rosa in Guatemala. She participated in the first fact-finding trip in and now is one of an appointed leadership team of the Taskforce on Strategic-Sustainable Social Programs for this Partnership. Appointed as the Chair of the Parish Council for St. Charles Borromeo Parish, where the community is numbered at over 6500 parishioners, she was key to a $2.0 million fundraising initiative during her term.
Based on her continued mission to empowering women comes from the Wall Street Journal’s nomination to Women of Note, an exclusive network of female leaders designed to recognize and foster continued success of innovative women. In August of 2014, she was asked by Seton Hall’s School of Business (Stillman School of Business) to become an advisor on the Women’s Leadership Council. Recognizing her exemplary leadership vision, she has been appointed to the Advisory Council for Leadership at Seton Hall, which now holds a 3-year consecutive honor for National Recognition in its leadership program.
Continuing her passion for service, Kathie has now taken on active Board of Trustee Roles at DoughMain Financial Literacy Foundation as both the Vice-Chair and the Chair of the Women’s Financial Literacy Program. Her unbridled energy for women’s well being is continuously illustrated through her focus on partnering initiatives and her ambitious thought leadership in delivering to her community.