Quick Ways to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace


For organizational success, there should be a legitimate use of resources. Business leaders are often focused on financial assets and other resources, ignoring one vital aspect; employees. To maximize your business’ potential, ensure to manage your workforce in such a way to promote productivity. Even for Microsoft’s Bill Gates, hiring, management, and team-building were among his weaknesses. Team effort produces more results than individual actions, leading to better and valuable new products. Are you looking for ways to improve teamwork at work? Read on for key ways to improve your collaboration in the workplace.  

Set clear goals

For your business to succeed, you must have established goals. Having thought out and clearly defined business objectives will guarantee that your entire workforce is mindful of them. This makes it simple for everybody to work amicably towards achieving the same objectives, which breeds higher collaboration. Business goals can be established so that the team can proceed to a slightly difficult task after completing one project. As achievements are reached, team commitment and devotion towards each other will increase.

Promote good communication

Business leaders must ensure they promote open communication between teams, peers, and managers. Every member within the organization or group must freely voice their opinions and thoughts concerning any difficulties they may encounter. For example, members experiencing hearing challenges should voluntarily disclose their challenges without fear and be allowed to undergo a hearing aid exam to address their issues. This way, every member of the team feels part and parcel of the decision-making process. Casual get-togethers and social events should be a regular feature within organizational settings. You should also give room for feedback and input on fundamental policies like setting organizational goals and staff hiring. 

Lead by example

How often have you heard the phrase ‘leaders lead by example’? For a business leader, it is practical to act in a way that you want others to follow. Conduct yourself in a way you would like to see in your office. Make a consistent effort to dictate the pace, and your team will know what you expect from them. It is true that leaders have other responsibilities but working alongside your team will help build trust internally while enhancing your skill and knowledge.

Celebrate wins together

Have you achieved any milestones or met a business deadline? Take time off to celebrate together with your team. This motivates your team to do more, brings them together, encourages communications, and enhances team happiness. Likewise, gratitude, recognition, and celebrating together don’t need to be massive but frequent. Fusing this into your workplace culture will leave a lasting impact on your employees and work environment. Celebrating wins together serves as a last reminder that business goals are feasible and worth achieving. Some ideas include taking the team out for lunch, putting together a casual Friday meeting, and getting a token mascot for the ’employee of the month.’

Take a break

Building an efficient workgroup doesn’t need to occur while you are working. Several studies have demonstrated that taking breaks together can increase productivity and help rethink team objectives when necessary. You could get the team together every few weeks to grab a coffee, get some treats or assemble for a morning talk. However, it is much better to get together in a less conventional setting. This promotes bonding between colleagues, idea sharing and supports efficient communication

Quickly and efficiently settle differences

In every team, conflicts and differences are bound to arise. How such issues are addressed will determine the strength of your leadership. Settling disputes in a useful and timely fashion would forestall any extensive divisions inside the team, promote harmony, and enhance collaboration in your workplace. While you may need to solve such divisions, it is best to allow workers to settle small issues without the board or managers’ unnecessary intervention. However, you will need to know when to interfere with keeping the problems from getting out of hand. Addressing issues at the wrong time may lead to communication breakdowns and severely damage internal relations, affecting business goals.

Focus on team strength

There is no point in highlighting a colleague or team member’s weaknesses as it adversely affects their performance. Instead, focus on their strength to positively impact their engagement and subsequently increase their productivity. A study has suggested that employees who utilize their strengths each day are six times more likely to be occupied with their jobs. Remember that everybody is unique in their own way and is gifted with peculiar qualities, interests, and weaknesses. However, a good leader should aspire to focus on the individual attributes to create a team with a combined range of skills to get work done.