Listen to this interview with Charles Nichols of California Right to Carry who is leading the fight in California for gun rights that affect the rest of the nation.
In 1967 California made it a crime to carry a loaded firearm outside of one’s home except while hunting or at shooting ranges. Under California law citizens can “have” but not carry a loaded firearm on our private property or place of business but they can only carry a loaded firearm in public for the brief interval of time when we are in grave, immediate danger.
The moment Americans step one inch outside the door to their home into even the curtilage of their residence while carrying a loaded firearm then they are breaking the law.
If you live within 1,000 feet of a K-12 public or private school and you step off your property with a handgun that isn’t unloaded and in a fully enclosed locked container then you are breaking a law for which a conviction results in your losing your right to possess any firearm for ten years.
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