Tag: Daniel Burrus
A “Brandless” Form of Anticipation
If you’re a consumer who stays on top of retail trends, you’ve likely come across a line of products whose presentation might, to some,...
Anticipation and Risk Management
One of the central principles of the Anticipatory Organization Model is to move beyond the idea of mere competition. By that, I mean going...
Daniel Burrus’ Top 20 Technology-Driven Hard Trends Shaping 2018 and Beyond
There has never been a shortage of trends. The real problem for you is figuring out which ones will happen so that you know...
Certainty—The Ultimate Closing Tool
We are all selling something. Talking with a customer? You’re selling, of course. Meeting with a business partner to consider staffing changes? You’re selling....
It’s Not Either/Or, It’s Both/And
A crowd mentality can be difficult to resist. Whether it’s a new fitness workout, yet another so-called “superfood” or even a television show that’s...
Career Competencies Where Humans Win Hands Down
The robots are coming!
That well-worn phrase used both in fiction and serious journalism encapsulates a fear that many share—that machines of all sorts are...
When It Comes to Trends, Know Which ones to Trust
Mention the word “trend” to some people and you may receive a smirk in response. Why? Because many people simply don’t trust trends.
That can...
6 Cybersecurity Businesses that Present Opportunity
If you’re on the lookout for a breakout growth opportunity, it’s important to look where others aren’t. And, in that case, it’s hard to...
6 Cybersecurity Businesses that Present Opportunity
If you’re on the lookout for a breakout growth opportunity, it’s important to look where others aren’t. And, in that case, it’s hard to...
4 Industries Poised to Benefit from AI
For many of us, our experience with artificial intelligence (AI) may be, for lack of a better way to put it, “helpfully cool.” That...