The Best Practices in Customer Service: A Series: Custom Newsletters, Inc.


Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business (Business 1110 AM KTEK in Houston, TX) and publisher of continues his series on Customer Appreciation.

1) Tell me about your firm (number of employees, location, type of companies you work with, etc.).

Custom Newsletters, Inc. is the parent company of
No Hassle Newsletters
No Hassle Social Media
Success Advantage Publishing
Concierge Print and Mail on Demand
Custom Article Generator
Jim Palmer is the founder and CEO and by design, Jim is the only employee. However, Jim uses a large team ‘virtual assistants’ around the country and internationally who help him with client support, web and graphic design, content creation and distribution, and social media marketing activities. Custom Newsletters, Inc. is based in Chester County, PA and they serve hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners.

2) How do you demonstrate that your customers are appreciated?

Jim Palmer has an extensive client appreciation program. First and foremost, all of Jim’s clients and customers receive top notch customer support, starting before a sale is ever made. Even though the company is web based, prospects can always talk live to a member of the client support team via a toll free number. Additionally, once a prospect becomes a client, Jim engages every client with a multi-stepped six month retention program. This program includes welcome packages, free gifts and additional support. Jim also sends unexpected gifts to his clients, including cookies, books, and training programs, to show his appreciation, and his dedication to their success in business.

3) What do you do to make potential clients feel like they will be well taken care of if they hire your firm?

Directly, new prospects are put at ease because Jim promotes his team and #800 on every web site. Indirectly, Jim’s style of marketing is both engaging and entertaining. Every week Jim publishes a free newsletter that is distributed to 17,000 entrepreneurs and small business owners. In addition, for the last four years Jim freely shares what he calls his “Smart Marketing and Business Building Advice” via his Web TV show called Newsletter Guru TV. You can see episodes at www.NewsletterGuru.TV and on Jim’s YouTube
. And finally, Jim just celebrated the one year anniversary of his weekly podcast, Stick Like Glue Radio.

This strategy of being a giver can best be summed up by what one of Jim’s coaching members said: “Jim, you are the Andy Griffith of Marketing.”

4) How is your approach different than the competition?

Most other entrepreneurs do not share the strategy of ‘being a generous giver’ as the best way to grow a successful and profitable business. Judging from the thousands of people that listen to his podcast, read his books, and watch his videos – many of whom go on to become clients – this is a strategy that is working.

Contact information: Provide website and other information that we can use on the radio (Business Talk 1110 AM and on our news site).