Anthony Ostland is Co-Founder and Chief of Sales at Mammoth Bar.
Tell us about Mammoth Bar!
“The Mammoth Bar is a raw food bar, our claim to fame is that we are the ‘cleanest bar on the planet,’ this was the inspiration for making the bar in the first place. Everything is made to last. We cut down the steps that it takes to produce, get the ingredients straight from the source, then put the bar into our consumer’s hands.” Ostland co-founded Mammoth Bar with his business partner and college peer, Michael Winchell. Ostland and Winchell’s business has been up and running since 2013, with Mammoth Bar’s sales officially kicking off in 2014. Ostland notes that he and his co-founder are the two official employees and that they’ve contracted work for their business. However, Mammoth Bar has gotten a lot of help from friends and family, “It’s been a beautiful process.”
What makes Mammoth Bar the leader in the protein/nutrition bar industry?
“Since we are the cleanest bar on the planet, we stand by our ingredients. We take the time to invest in the certification process of our ingredients which protects the nutritional content of said ingredients and protects the consumer. If you have an allergy, you can feel safe knowing that our bar is gluten free, organic, non-dairy, and there is no added sugar. The bar fills you up.” All Mammoth Bars are small batch produced and made to order so that they are not sitting on shelves for long periods of time.
What contributions has Mammoth Bar made towards the world?
Philanthropic and nutritious, Mammoth Bar seeks to keep the world happy and healthy: “We do see an opportunity to use this as a platform to further educate people that there’s not just one thing that is going to help you live that happier, healthier life. When you’re feeling better, you’re bound to make better choices. You’ll have more energy when you’re sleeping better, a healthier lifestyle.. Mammoth Bar cosponsors an event in Hawaii. The Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run raises money for children in Hawaii so that they have access to sports and fitness. This program helps keep kids off the streets so that they don’t turn into bad influences. Any kid can walk into any gym or join any team, and they will have the money for the gear that they need.
Who has influenced you to become the person that you are today?
“My mother says ‘It’s never too late to be what you might have been.’ So, if you love doing something, you just keep doing it until the door closes. To be an entrepreneur, to chase a long as you love it and have passion behind it, you keep doing it. You’re in that happiness, you’re doing what you love and loving what you do.”
What qualities do you look for in your team?
“Passion. People who live the active lifestyle. They’re physical, and they are moving. They’re on the go from Point A to Point B. We invite people from all backgrounds! Whether it is yoga, rock climbing, or softball..they need to understand dedication to something.”
Word of advice:
“Keep it simple. Find a mentor to open up the playbook for you. That was really helpful for us. If you love what you do and you think other people are going to love what you do, keep going. Failure is not an option. Be true to your roots.. build your fanbase, build your soldiers first. Build your team.”
Order your fresh, made to order Mammoth Bars!
Support Mammoth Bar’s Kickstarter
Contributed by: Super Julie Braun
Interviewed/Written by: Savanna McKellar, Senior PR Agent