Iconic and singular art is always alluring to the observer. Tent cards are simple yet visually appealing. We always look for different ways to attract our customers and reach out to them. Tent cards can be made by simply folding a card and then placing it for customer engagement and also making a connection with your customer. You can see tent cards at hotels, restaurants, cafes and popular food chain restaurants placed at seating area to promote the business. People just love to see different and new stuff, hence they become inquisitive about it. It is actually fun and interactive to read the contents of the tent card, as the card itself is attractive and appealing. But there’s a catch in it! Too many spices can spoil a dish, therefore, one must avoid extra fancy work or curves or folds on the tent card. Let’s see some of the things that must be considered while making a good tent card.
1. Think as a customer
While making the tent card, don’t just add all your marketing stuff and place it on a show out there. You have to think from a customer point of view, the design, the content, the color combination should be made accordingly to the customer perspective. A customer survey would be recommended if you want to print tent cards for publicity display and promotions as well.
2. Try not to make it intricate
The beauty of tent card is that you have to watch it once you are around it. There is no harm in watching and engaging with a creative art, hence you have to keep in mind that your tent card for sure will be watched and handled by the people or customer then you must not make it complex. Adding many curves or folds would make it less appealing; it should be simple yet elegant looking and the contents must be shown visible without any extra effort.
3. Content
Let it be for entertainment, publicity, and marketing or for personal use. The tent card will be engaging and fun to interact only if it has good content. Content is the most important aspect, which will decide the fate and popularity of the tent card. The type of content can be decided on the objective behind using the tent card. Content can be jokes to entertain your customers or perky taglines to educate your customer base about your brand. The content is the only thing, which will help you connect with the audience. Make sure your content is selected accordingly to your customer base.
4. Action plan (for marketing purpose)
Before you make all your tent cards and put all creative stuff on it, have an action plan ready regarding the future innovation in your tent cards. Create a link between your previous, existing and future idea of the tent cards. This will keep your customer engaged and connected with you, every time they will see your tent card, they will be forced by themselves to see it as they want to know the new visuals, new content and new idea you have put in. You can get the design ideas and prints done from any good online printing services and get started with reaching out to your customers.