In the summer of 2022 the Price of Business show launched a new series called “Thought Leaders” and it has become very popular to both listeners and participants. The Price of Business is one of the longest continuously running shows of its kind in the country. It is hosted by bestselling author and multi-award winning broadcast journalist, Kevin Price.
The show is seeking Thought Leaders from various industries and fields to participate in our series. This series has been described as the “Ted Talks of national radio.”* Like Ted Talks, individuals with an important story that provide insights on how to do or think better are given a significant platform to share their ideas. Learn more about the reach, audience, stations, and platforms of the Price of Business here.
There is no cost for participating in this series. Like Ted Talks, Thought Leaders is about creating opportunities for individuals to share their stories and promote the best ideas in business, lifestyle, culture, and more.
If you are interested in participating simply email You will be sent a few simple questions about your work and what you wish to present. After that we will let you know the next steps.
Thought Leaders participants join an impressive history of major celebrities, authors, billionaires and more. Here’s a few highlight from the show’s history:
Since 2001 the Price of Business show has accumulated one of the largest archives of exclusive interviews with NY Times bestselling authors.
It has accumulated numerous interviews with major media celebrities which includes Oscar winners, Emmy winners, and more. This includes film makers from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and many others.
It has a critically acclaimed series with major financial authorities, including billionaires. In that same vein, Price has done one of the most exhaustive and intimate series of interviews with the bestselling financial author of all time, Robert Kiyosaki. Kiyosaki is author of the mega bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad.
The Price of Business has enjoyed strategic alliances for content with some of the biggest names in media including Fox Business, Yahoo Finance, The Washington Post, and many others.
Learn more about the Thought Leaders Series:
Thought Leaders and Ted Talks are not affiliated.