Tips for Trade Show Pop Up Displays


On average, trade show attendees spend approximately six seconds looking at a trade show display to decide if they will interact with you or if they will pass your display. Six seconds. As you can see, you have very little time to make an impression and get folks to interact with you and your sales team.


It is absolutely vital that you create a trade show display that captures the attention of the attendees and pulls them into your booth. Once you have gotten an attendee to your trade booth, it is up to you and your sales team to gather attendee information and try to make a sale.


In this guide, we will explain the concepts that you should embrace to create eye-catching trade show displays. If you are ready to impress trade show attendees at your next show, continue reading to learn how you can create an effective design for your pop up.


What Every Designer Should Understand about Pop Up Displays


Pop up displays come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you will need to determine the best one for your design. One thing to consider when deciding on a size or shape is the items that you will be displaying at your trade show booth.


Most displays contain several center panels and each end panel is d-shaped. The end panels are used to help hold up the display and provide an eye-catching curved design. When you are coming up with your design for your pop up display, you will need to take the curving design into consideration.


You should never use the same design as you would with a banner sign because it can cause visibility problems. The end panels are visible from all angels which can be difficult to deal with when designing out your display if your design is complicated.


For best results, divide your pop up display into thirds if you want your design to extend on to the end panels. This will allow you to continue your design across all panels without making it difficult to read or understand. Our curved pop up guide will explain how to create stunning pop up displays that incorporate your design across all panels.



Pop up stands come in a number of different sizes. The most common sizes for this type of display is a 3×1, a 3×2, a 3×3, a 3×4 and a 3×5 display. These sizes are not measurements of the display. Instead, the numbers represent the number of quads that make up the stand structure.


Each quad is part of the support structure that makes up a stand. For example, a 3×1 pop up display stand is three quads tall and one quad wide. Conversely, the 3×5 display stand is three quads tall and five quads wide.


Choosing the proper display stand is vital to the success of your trade show. If you want to make a lasting impression, choose a larger pop up display. A curved 3×4 or 3×5 is impressive and will catch attendees’ eyes and help you stand out from the crowd.


How to Create an Eye-Catching and Stylish Design


The first thing attendees will notice is your display. Therefore, it is essential that you create a beautiful design that showcases your business. Although the design is completely up to you, there are some tactics that can help you maximize the effectiveness of your display.


  1. Your goal when creating a display is to catch people’s attention and inform them of the main benefits, values and features of your company. It should not be viewed as an in-depth marketing tool, but rather an outline of your company. Leave in-depth information for your printed materials and your sales reps.


  1. Keep your message simple. You want your design to garner interest without being overly persuasive or pitchy. Your display’s goal should be to draw people’s interest rather than making a sale. Leave the closing of the sale to your sales staff.


  1. Showcase benefits, not features. It can be tempting to sell your goods or services based on its features like new technology; however, you want to begin by focusing on the benefits that your goods or service will provide to your visitors. Your sales staff can discuss features in more detail when a person expresses interest in your goods or services.


  1. There will be other companies offering the same type of goods or service. It is essential that you realize that your competitors will be at the trade show as well and will be using displays to catch people’s attention.


  1. Show why your goods or services is a better choice for your pop up display. You want to impress trade show attendees and entice them into interacting with you and your sales team. Remember, the more foot traffic your booth receives, the larger audience you have to market to.


  1. You can avoid issues by keeping designs on individual panels. Pop up banners should be lined up and hand cut to ensure that your design blends seamlessly from panel to panel. If you are using large text or have a large logo, keep it on one panel to make your design look amazing.


  1. Small, detailed and lengthy text can be difficult to read if it is spread across multiple panels. Wehn designing your display, keep this in mind and make sure that each panel can be easily read.


  1. Remain consistent in all of your displays and handouts. Keeping your branding consistent across all communications helps to better brand your company.


  1. Make sure you use the same colors and fonts as your current branding. This will allow you to use the same design for all of your marketing materials.