If you are too poor to afford a college education, know that you are certainly not alone. There are a lot of students throughout the United States who wish they could better themselves and enhance their careers with a college education, but they simply can’t afford to do so. Money management skills aren’t always taught in school either, which can lead to bad decisions that incur tons of debt. But don’t lose hope, as there are options available to you, and you can use these to get the degree that you need. Keep reading this article for a few tips.
Go to School Online
There are many schools, such as the University of Arizona, that now offer a host of degree programs completely online. And there are also colleges and universities that have established themselves exclusively online. This gives students more options than ever before to go to a great school and get a great degree like a masters in public health online. After all, whether you are getting your public health degree online or a bachelor’s degree in business online, you will be able to save money that would otherwise be spent on relocating, dorming, commuting, parking, and using campus facilities.
Apply for Grants and Scholarships
Low income students and those who do not have a lot of money saved up in the bank can apply for a variety of grants and scholarships. These are offered by private organizations, as well as the government, and you can find out about the ones that are available by doing a search online or asking your college’s financial aid office for more information.
Filling out the FAFSA form each year will allow you to access federal and state financial aid in the form of grants, which you will not need to pay back. And there are a host of organizations that offer scholarships as well, and all you have to do is apply. Don’t forget to also ask the school you are interested in attending if they offer any scholarships to students who are too poor to afford the tuition.
Get a Student Loan
Most students hate the idea of having to take out a student loan that will accrue interest and that they will need to pay back in full, but these loans are sometimes the best option and the easiest way to access money for low income students. Try to stick with federal student loans, rather than private loans, as they will have lower interest rates.
The key is to start paying back your student loans as soon as possible. See if your school offers a work-study program, apply for part-time work during school semesters and switch to full-time during the summer, and focus on interning so that you can gain valuable experience that will help you land a good paying job after you graduate.
While a lot of people are too poor to go to college, there are options out there that will help. If you fall into this category, do your research, as you may be pleasantly surprised by all of the loans, scholarships, grants, and other forms of aid that are available to people just like you.