Top 6 Tips To Improve Your Production Process


One of the goals of many companies is to increase their sales. It’s said that many go to great lengths and do anything that helps with the achievement of such an overarching goal. Improving your business’ production processes will help streamline costs, boost efficiency, and improve the quality of your products and services.

There are many possible ways one may improve the efficiency of their company’s production process. You might have to choose new conveyor belt distributors or engage with a different software company that has fewer glitches in its programming. It might also involve something as simple as implementing routine maintenance checks. 

This article aims to show you the tips and tools of the trade required to continually optimize your production process

  • Evaluate Your Organization’s Existing Procedures 

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is the bedrock of any company that deals in massive production. Not only does it regulate the production workflow and make the whole process transparent and easily traceable, but it also lowers the learning curve for new personnel and makes assessing its efficiency much easier.

The first thing to do when optimizing your production is to look at your SOP manual and ask yourself the following questions.

  • Are the right people with the right skillset placed correctly in the process? 
  • Is the process itself still functional? Is there a new more efficient way to get this process done?
  • Has the technology being used still appropriate for the tasks stipulated? Is there a need to look into acquiring new tools and technology?

If you do not have an SOP manual written down and circulated amongst your employees, it’s advised to go get one done immediately. A disorganized workplace is an inefficient workplace. SOP goes beyond just maximizing the efficiency of the production line. It permeates across every aspect of the company: from how quickly does the front office receive updates from the production floor and vice versa to how effective internal communication is to the company

  • Modernize Your Technology

Technological innovation is moving at a breakneck pace. As a result, production inefficiencies are a common occurrence in modern businesses’ production. Usage of obsolete technology may cause you to fall behind against competitors due to either production quality or project volume. When modernizing your technology, prioritize technology that boosts production speed and quality.

It needs to be noted that in some situations, new technology isn’t needed but that current technology or machinery needs to be maintained. You need to implement a planned maintenance program that’ll keep your production line working at optimal efficiency. 

Planned maintenance methods include:

  • Training your staff in basic maintenance and care of the machinery they operate to reduce the risk of damage occurring;
  • Consulting with your supervisors to devise optimal times for the planned maintenance so as not to disturb the general efficiency of the business; and
  • Making sure to adhere to the scheduled maintenance times to avoid costly problems in the future. 

  • Implement Regular Training

As a business, you need to invest in your personnel. When introducing new machinery and technology, make sure to train them so they get up to speed quickly with the processes involved.

Offer in-house training to raise and bolster the skill set of your employees. This will increase employee satisfaction and indirectly boost workplace productivity and efficiency rates.

  • Always Check Inventory

Finding the balance between holding too much and having too little stock is crucial. Fortunately, there are plenty of inventory management tools that can help your business keep track of your stock levels. Using past records, the software can predict your material requirements and notify you in time when you need to order new stock.

  • Identify And Eliminate Production Bottlenecks

A production bottleneck is a situation that occurs when there is a breakdown somewhere along the line of production. This can be a result of machinery breakdowns or software glitches and need to be addressed quickly. 

A common production bottleneck is in the form of human error. Delays in signing off on a service order or quick maintenance check will slow down the process. A solution to this is updating the business SOP and eliminating unnecessary ‘red tape.’

  • Lessen Waste

Waste in a business can come in many forms and not all forms are easily identifiable. Hence, having a working SOP can help you assess what they are and help you deal with them properly. Wastage of resources may involve human labor being expensed at an unnecessary cost and many more. 

Machinery that is placed and used in conditions that hinder it from working at optimal levels (poorly ventilated, in direct sunlight, and the like) can negatively impact production and increase waste. 

With the abovementioned examples, you need to address them immediately to improve production. 


These are just a few things to consider when streamlining your production process. When making these decisions, make sure that the changes implemented will increase productivity and not hinder it.