Top Ways To Improve Productivity Quickly



There is no way to be an innovative, forward-thinking and efficient organization if employee productivity is lagging. With the U.S. and the world facing major skills gaps and talent shortages, it’s imperative to maximize current human capital.

Productivity can improve the customer experience, can ensure strategic goals and objectives are met, and employees are often happier when they feel that they’re performing at a peak productivity level. This is because productivity tends to be rewarded with raises, bonuses, promotions, and benefits.

Productivity can help them meet their professional objectives and feel more fulfilled in their role.

Employees want to be productive, and employers want the same thing, but there is often a disconnect when it comes to getting there.

The following are some ways to start boosting productivity right away, even without massive and often time-consuming organizational shifts.

Technology, Software, and Tools

While employees are ultimately responsible for their job performance, employers need to be accountable for providing them with what they need to do so in the most efficient and effective ways possible. There are so many excellent technology tools and software platforms that can be used to cut out inefficiency, streamline work processes and eliminate bureaucracy.

One of the many examples is expense reporting software. Filling out expense reports is often one of the most dreaded, cumbersome and anxiety-producing things employees have to do on the job.

Employers can save time, money and improve employee satisfaction by automating expense management.

Ensure Employee Skills Are Matched To Their Job Roles

Take the time to find the right place for your employees. You can look at skills and talents as well as overall behavior and personality to see how employees can fit well in particular roles or taking on specific tasks.

By personalizing job roles, you’re likely to get better results regarding productivity, and employees will be happier.

If you’re unsure how to start with this, ask your employees. Take the time to get their feedback and see what their thoughts are in terms of their current job role and tasks, and where changes could be made.

So many employers try to figure out what employees want, but they fail to go straight to the source and ask them.

Make Communication Easier

In many companies, particularly large ones, there are hurdles and roadblocks to effective communication. There may be little to no communication between departments, and teams can operate in silos.

At the same time, there is so much time spent swapping pointless emails back and forth between team members who do communicate with one another. McKinsey found that emails take up almost 28% of the average employees’ time, and it’s the second most time-consuming thing they do.

Centralize communication so people can easily get in touch with each other across the organization, but at the same time, set standards and policies for email communication that can make it more efficient.

A good option to put in place is a social networking tool designed for team communication. Another way you can make communication more efficient is asking employees to talk in person or by phone, as opposed to communicating via long email threads.

Finally, consider following the SMART protocol. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and attainable. When you’re about to make an assignment for an employee, does it meet these standards?




