Technically Speaking Segment: A brief interview with Akash Ganapathi of Trill A.I. about innovative cloud-based solutions the world should know about.
“We harness the expansive power of artificial intelligence… to improve exacting data analysis and augment decision-making in financial asset management.”
About the Interviewer:
Moira Alexander is a contributor and co-host of the “technically speaking” segment on the Price of Business Talk Radio (on the BizTalkRadio Network), whom you can learn more about at She recently interviewed Akash Ganapath of Trill A.I. (as part of a series of interviews) to find out about innovative cloud-based solutions the world should know about.
About Trill A.I.:
Trill A.I. is an artificial intelligence company that predicts financial markets in real time, enabling asset managers to intuitively build deep-learning models and easily navigate diverse sets of data to achieve better results.
About the interviewee:
Akash Ganapathi is a North Carolina entrepreneur and co-founder of Trill A.I., a leading provider of deep-learning, artificial-intelligence solutions for financial institutions and asset manager. Akash comes from a technical data science and algorithmic trading background and is the chief executive officer at Trill A.I.
Tell me about the key features of your product or service?
Akash: Trill A.I. is the next-generation platform for asset managers to quickly custom-build and deploy self-learning, artificial intelligence models to the cloud, at scale. Using this software, portfolio managers and analysts can select what kinds of data they want to analyze and tailor a deep-learning model to their specific investment style and portfolio characteristics. Once online, each A.I. model learns in real-time and delivers predictive portfolio analytics and financial analysis to help the user select securities and optimize portfolio allocation management. We handle everything from data mining, data munging, storage, distributed cloud computation, optimization, and automation.
What makes your product or service so innovative, and what are the hot button issues it addresses for companies?
Akash: Deep-learning technology is less than five years old with no applications in long-term asset management, including the mutual funds and ETFs that run $13 trillion of consumer money in the United States. A.I. is the next evolution of robo-advisors and based on customer feedback; Trill A.I. is the only organization leveraging deep learning for long-term investing. Currently, financial asset management companies are in a state of flux with huge outflows of dollars (trillions) from active managers to passive index funds and large fee compression due to competition for customers. Companies are being forced to cut back on research, internal investment, R&D, and financial analysis. This reduces performance and contributes to a negative feedback loop of customer loss and further fee compression. Trill A.I. can cost-efficiently augment, and improve the analysis process, allowing asset managers to leverage exponentially more data for cheaper using the latest cloud computing and deep learning technology without any of the fixed costs of talent acquisition, development time, and infrastructure. We directly reduce analysis costs and fees while improving fund performance, leading to greater customer retention and attraction.
To find out more about Trill A.I. contact Akash below.
Akash Ganapath, CEO, and co-founder
Phone: 1.347.815.0034
More about the “Technically Speaking” segment co-host:
Moira Alexander is the founder & president of Lead-Her-Ship Group, a content strategy & creation company, and author of “LEAD or LAG.” Moira is a media recognized expert with 20+ years in business, IT, project management, content strategy and content creation. She is a project management and IT columnist for CIO and TechRepublic and creates high-value content for digital media companies, small to large businesses, and thought leaders around the world. Her company has also just launched a new PR service for small to mid-sized tech companies. To find out more about Moira or her company’s services, go to