Using Link Building to Grow Your Brand


Today, the digital world offers a lot of opportunities and also challenges to growing a brand. Brand growth is essential to any business as it translates to more visibility and recognition from a potential client. These potential clients usually turn into purchasing clients and even at times return clients which is really good for your business.

A brand vs. a successful business

As a business, you should first understand there is a big difference between having a brand and a successful business. A successful business can simply be built by selling products or services at a lower price. Having a brand is entirely different. Additionally, a brand cannot be easily built like a business.


A build a brand goes beyond just having numerous customers, its more about earning the clients trust. You can sell your products or services much more expensive than what your competition offers, but you will steal out sale the competition and, in the process, also bring in new customers. Having a brand means that the customer knows that you have their best interest at heart and whatever you are selling them deserves the price you put on it. Even if it’s more than twice what your competition is asking for.

Grow a brand through link building

According to SEO and business experts, link building is one of the surest ways of growing a brand – and thankfully there are a lot of link building resources at your disposal. Here is how you can turn your business to a brand and grow it through link building.


Brands make brands

The first rule of growing a brand through link building is ‘birds of a feather flock together.’ As link building is all about collaborations, those you collaborate with will determine whether you become successful or not. If you are going to do link building, it’s important that you consider collaborating with other brands. A simple but very costly mistake that most businesses make while link building is taking anyone who is willing to link build with them. It’s easy for you to land some wrong partners and will negatively affect your plan to grow a brand. If you collaborate with a dodgy site customer will readily assume that you are dodgy too. It will be hard for your business to get an established brand to collaborate with you. This challenge brings you to the next step in growing a brand.


Aim a little higher

As it is hard to get established brands to collaborate with you in link building, most businesses usually opt to do this with other brands on their level. This is not wrong at all; it’s just not as rewarding. Link building just as any business endeavor should add value to your company, there is just not much value to be added after collaborating with brands on your level for a while. It’s at this point that you should try to aim a little higher to avoid stagnation. It can be challenging to get a deal at this level, but this is what you got to do.


Invest in your business image

When aiming higher in link building, it’s essential that your business has a good image. A good business image as a growing brand is crucial as it will attract established brands to you. You, therefore, won’t have to struggle as much to get them to agree to link build with you.