By the Price of Business Show, nationally syndicated on the Biz Talk Radio Network.
Kevin Price, host of the Price of Business, (M-F, 3 PM ET) recently interviewed Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) who is Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. In this important interview, Chairman Brady lays out the future of tax reform and how it is imperative for increasing US competitiveness.
The legislation has received positive reviews from advocates of less government, including:
Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist
“The Republican tax reform plan will turbo-charge the economy, create millions of new jobs and make America the best place in the world to invest, build and create.”
Americans for Prosperity, Brent Gardner
“This plan will improve lives by allowing Americans to keep more money in their paychecks and ensuring the United States is the best place in the world to do business.”
FreedomWorks, Adam Brandon
“The framework released today represents a transformation of America’s tax code and would help the middle class.”
Heritage Action, Michael Needham
“If enacted, there is no doubt such a plan would unleash economic growth, create jobs and increase wages.”
Club for Growth, David McIntosh
“The outline is both aggressive and very pro-growth with its rate reductions… To this end, the Club will also work with Congress to pass a budget in order to get reconciliation tax instructions.”
Freedom Partners, Nathan Nascimento
“Making it a reality would let taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money, increase America’s global competitiveness, and send a message that there will be no better place in the world to invest and create jobs than the United States.”
National Taxpayers Union, Pete Sepp
“The core tax reform principles they’ve outlined in today’s framework can deliver on relief for middle-class families and individuals, a simpler filing process, a fairer system that allows all businesses to create more jobs, and ultimately a prosperous economy.”
Independent Women’s Forum, Patrice Onwuka
“The White House tax plan is a win for women. Reducing tax rates, increasing the standard deduction and the child tax credit, and simplifying the tax code are the types of changes IWF proposed in our Working for Women report because they benefit women.”
Family Business Coalition, Palmer Schoening
“The framework released today kills the death tax, which hurts inventory and land heavy businesses, lowers tax rates for all businesses, and provides middle-income small business workers historic tax relief.”
Taxpayers Protection Alliance, David Williams
“Now, lawmakers have the historic opportunity to push forward an agenda that creates prosperity and releases businesses and families from a federal stranglehold.”
Tea Party Patriots, Jenny Beth Martin
“The framework released by the White House and congressional Republicans will establish a tax system for individuals that is simpler, flatter and fairer…”
Citizens Against Government Waste, Tom Schatz
“Every taxpayer dollar that is returned back to hard-working Americans is a dollar not squandered in a federal bureaucracy brimming with waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement.”
American Action Network, Corry Bliss
“The White House and congressional leaders have unveiled a unified and bold plan to move forward on pro-growth tax reform that puts middle-class families and job creators first.”
Americans for Limited Government, Rick Manning
“What’s more, the simplification of the individual tax code along with doubling the standard deduction will be a boon for the average American taxpayer.”
Association of Mature American Citizens, Dan Weber
“Increasing the individual and family standard deduction, eliminating the estate tax, and creating a competitive corporate tax rate are just a few things that will create economic growth…”