From retail to e-commerce, there are different areas that will tip the scales of winning over customers. It could be the speedy delivery or the posh store front, but there is always something that will hook your customers. But this is not a one-size-fits-all approach. In this blog, we will go over the most common areas of your business which you can polish-up to reel in those sales.
Your Building: Polish it Up
If your business is brick and mortar based, your storefront or even office is the very first impression your prospect customers have of your business. Make sure your soft fm services are outsourced to a specialised agency. They will make sure that your building is safe, comfortable and well-maintained to leave a sparkling impression on your customers. They will cover many non-technical services like cleaning, landscaping, pest control and more. You won’t have to hide your head in shame because of dirty windows anymore, they will make sure that it’s always sparkling. And let’s not forget the bonus feature of outsourcing, which is cost-effective. Your ROI on this investment will show in the amount of customers they will contribute to winning over.
Delivering Outstanding Customer Service
Everyone wants to feel special, and that is the whole point in giving outstanding customer service. Making your prospect customers feel like they are the only one that matters. Whether it is about a return, not reading their notifications or just a complaint, how you and your team handles this has a ripple effect. It’s called word-of-mouth advertising, and it can go either in a positive or negative direction. Do internal role-plays and teach your team techniques on how to handle different situations.
Innovation and Technology
Technology and innovation is a thing of beauty. Not only can you use apps, software and digital platforms to automate and streamline your operations, but you can also use it to win over your customer. Prospect customers do most of their shopping or scrolling during the evenings (their chill time), and here is where you can plug-in a chatbot to help with any queries they might have. AI-driven solutions can be your “night” team keeping the fort for you. Using analytics, you can pin-down where exactly your CX can do better, making the road towards winning customers easier.
Prioritizing Quality and Reliability
It doesn’t matter if your website has all the bells and whistles on it, but when your product shows up at their door, they are beyond disappointed. Quality is king. Test your products periodically to make sure that they still deliver on what you promise. Be reliable. Keep to your deadlines, exceed the SLA and even the customer expectation. But above all else, make sure your line of communication is flowing. Updates, notifications, calls and messages are very important.
From their first step into your building to the day your product is delivered to their door, your chances of winning over customers can happen at any point. So make sure that all these areas are top-notch and sparkling. You might never know which word or experience is what tip the scales in your favor.