We are all on a continuing journey to find the secret of success for our enterprises. The secret we seek is that there are no secrets to success, just a relentless an unbending journey to achieve the vision and mission you have set out for yourself.
As business advisers and facilitators, we have found that looking at our client companies as living organisms, we can more clearly communicate that overt symptoms can mask very complex illnesses. There is seldom a magic pill that business leaders can take to solve a particular problem. When we do find a business issue that can be resolved with a simple fix, we are pleased to write a prescription and discharge the patient.
More often than not, however, there is a disconnect between the stated symptoms, the observed conditions, the identified desired results and the implied messages being telegraphed by the organization. Self-diagnosis masks many of the underlying diseases. The most viable solution is to find the appropriate full-service center that will give you a comprehensive workup and diagnosis.
When looking for long term health and wellness for your business, check into a clinic that provides a full spectrum of services that include:
• Intake – Actively listen to issues. Observe symptoms. Document history. Record vital signs. Refer to triage, to wellness center or discharge with a symptomatic diagnosis.
• Triage – Develop a plan and assign specialists to repair immediate symptoms that are critical or life, health or safety. Create a referral for long term wellness, or discharge.
• Remediation – Assign an appropriate case worker. Perform a full-spectrum workup. Enlist specialists in performing diagnoses. Collaborate on how symptoms and issues interact. Create a time and resource phased wellness plan. Recommend specialists and case workers to administer the plan. Create data points and milestones to measure effectiveness. Work with organization as their needs and resources require or discharge.
• Long Term Wellness – Assign an ongoing case worker to monitor vital signs, symptoms and changes over time. Continually modify the wellness plan as conditions change. Refer new symptoms to other specialists who understand the entire case history. Regularly assess the case for long term strategic goals.
Few of us go to the doctor willingly or when we can get online and find a diagnosis that appears to describe our symptoms. The reality is that chronic issues will not go away with potions and remedies designed for immediate relief of your symptoms. Also, attempting to determine which specialist can cure you on your own will often take you down the path of fitting all of your symptoms into one recovery plan. That is why you have likely not found the answers you have been seeking in business books and the consulting fad of the month.
If you are in business for the long run, you need to be healthy all the time. If you are planning to sell your business, the most healthy organization garners the highest price.