How Shelton Haynes Combines Strong Training and Community Ties in Police Work


Communities across the United States have taken a strong look at how to regain community trust due to recent tragedies in police work, as Shelton Haynes, CEO of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation, knows well. Leading a community that has such strong ties as Roosevelt Island can be a challenge on some days, but Haynes knows that those challenges are not coming from his Public Safety Department (PSD) officers. This is because the community policing approach that Haynes has developed works well to create strong ties within the island community.

Rigour Saftey Training for RIOC Officers

Led by two well-established former members who were esteemed in the NYPD, peace officers are required to go through a rigorous training program provided by NYPD Academy instructors. Though it is similar to that offered to NYPD officers, the peace officers also learn how to respond to active shooter situations, how to de-escalate issues, and how to determine whether someone acting out is having a mental or physical health crisis requiring medical intervention. Once the program is completed, the trainees are sworn in to become peace officers with full arrest powers and may conduct traffic stops.

Public Saftey Is Crucial

Closely aligned with both  NYPD officers working on Roosevelt Island, the PSD officers create a strong community-focused approach to policing with collaborative partnerships. Together, the police and the public safety officers develop cooperative solutions to issues while increasing trust in the law enforcement presence on the two-mile-long island in the East River. “Our officers put on their uniform in honor of the people they are sworn to serve and protect – they take great pride in the badge they wear and will continue to hold themselves to that standard each and every day, stated Public Safety Department Chief Kevin Brown in a recent interview.

Shelton Haynes is Bridging The Gap

Shelton Haynes also recognizes that the flow of communication and officers between the NYPD and the PSD creates a stronger community and inter-departmental ties. A former Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer and now New York City Police Department Internal Affairs Sergeant Jason Guzman mentions, “As a former Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer under the leadership of then Captain Suarez, I can confidently say that my experience with the agency prepared me for a successful career with the New York City Police Department.”

Haynes is proud of the ties between the PSD and the NYPD, stating, “We’re in constant communication with the NYPD. That has gone a long way with knowing who the players are, building discussions holistically, and tackling the challenging issues. When someone calls 911, as our first responders, they go to the scene,” Haynes says. “They de-escalate issues, which is not always easy. They are trained to handle people in crisis.” For lower-level crimes, the PSD is the point of contact, as they can more quickly resolve those issues. “You have real-time responsiveness here and direct access because it’s a small island,” Stanly Haynes states.