Building A Company Culture That Makes Your Employees 10x More Productive


A good company culture can make employees a lot more efficient and your business a lot better as a whole. Here are some tips to help you do just this. 


  1. Be authentic

Authenticity can never be replaced. Fakeness can always be spotted from a mile away. You will lose the trust of your employees if you aren’t authentic in your day to day interactions. Still, you’ll create an unenjoyable experience in the workplace. 


Overcompensating by adopting leadership styles that do not suit your personality isn’t necessary. You should not use leadership styles just because other people are enjoying success with the styles. You should adopt a style that suits your values and beliefs. This will energize you every day thereby relaying a message to your workforce that authenticity is the way to go.


  1. Encourage transparency and feedback in the workplace

Many managers are not comfortable admitting when they are in the wrong. This admission is essential in creating a transparent and honest culture within the workplace. This culture can encourage staff to be open while at work. Personally, this culture needs to start with the top management. Learn to accept your wrongdoings if you are the CEO. 


Always being right is what most people think is required while sitting in leadership positions. We assume that demonstrating control is all that is required. But, a manager who accepts when he or she is at fault or admits when he has no idea demonstrates more courage. You will build a transparent culture by doing so. Still, you’ll cultivate a learning culture. This will in the long run allow you to modify any tendencies and opinions without bruising your ego. 


  1. Interact with each other 

It may be hard for you to recall that Jose welcomed his father-in-law over to his place for the weekend or that Jan’s daughter fractured her arm. You demonstrate genuine concern about the welfare of your employees when you follow up on these little things. 


You can build a stronger connection when you ask about the wellbeing of your employees. It shows that you care about them. Always check up on your team members every now and then. 


You will be able to find out more about the motivations that drive your staff if you establish this connection. You will also find out what they are currently working on and what they love doing. Employees will be more motivated to perform their roles if they know that you care about the plights. They will feel obligated to perform better while at work. Still, employees will offer you constructive feedback without hesitation when they know that both of you are reading from the same script. 


Personally, I go for two walks every day while at work. I usually ask two or three individuals to take this walk with me. By doing so, I’m able to fit interactions with people into my hectic schedule. Squeeze in this walk into your schedule.


  1. Recognize excellent work

Appreciating work that has been shoddily done can set a bad precedent. It may be difficult to draw the line when it comes to appreciating work. Even so, being attentive to detail, output, and growth of your staff will ensure they receive the recognition they deserve. 


“Good job” can go a long way for some employees. It can be the silver lining that makes your employees happy and productive. Some employees may leave your company if they feel that their hard work is not being recognized. 


  1. Invest in the best technology

There are lots of duties that can be automated in the workplace. Automaton reduces the time one spends working on an assignment. You can speed up work by embracing technology. In most instances, calendar automation is cheaper than scheduling meetings manually. Today, there are lots of solutions to many processes that you may have no idea about. Visit to find out more about how time tracking software can benefit you and your business.


Single out the monotonous tasks that your employees are doing. Providing employees with effective solutions for such tasks will make them happier. Still, you will speed up production when you automate these tasks.


  1. Support risk-taking

If the likelihood of failure once an employee takes on a project stands at 40 percent while a 60 percent chance indicates that he or she will succeed in the project, then the risk of failure may significantly affect the decision-making process. These 60/40 choices may not see the light of day in workplaces where failure is not tolerated. In such environments, individuals live in fear of being fired and are constantly criticized.


Every day, employees are faced with such dilemmas. They question whether they should try doing something challenging or revert to the same old stuff. A risk-taking culture will help employees become more confident and autonomous according to this site. Still, risk-taking can lead to the production of more output once an innovative culture is embedded in the workplace.


  1. Get all employees permanently onboard with the mission

Most growing companies face the challenge of keeping their employees enthusiastic about the roles they perform. The output of employees will significantly rise if they put in their best effort while working intrinsically. They should put in the best possible effort for this to become a reality. 


Employees will perform work to the best of their abilities if part of their self-concept is based on the roles they perform. This ensures that they value the work they are doing. They will show up to work every day and put in their very best.