Entrepreneurs are self-made people. If you’re one of them, or you know someone who is, the gift you give them should be absolutely special. This basically means that it need not be too glamourous, but certainly useful and in good taste. To be specific, here are some of our choices for the perfect gift.
- Great Pens Make A Great Gift
Pens are useful things to gift. These can be used in multiple places. Better still, you can gift a set of pens or markers to help out with those crucial board meetings they hold frequently.
- Books to Read on Business or Entrepreneurship
When you get new ideas, there is nothing like it. To provide food for thought, you could ideally give away a set of books on entrepreneurship and on how to manage businesses more efficiently and effectively.
- Better Than Books Is A Kindle!
A Kindle subscription actually reduces the requirement to buy books and instead replaces it with a complete world to read from. Try Kindle for the most wholesome gift ever.
- A Square Card Reader to Simplify Work
If s/he is planning to begin accepting card payments, you can gift a square card reader. This device simplifies the process of accepting payments over the phone and allows a more seamless transactional experience. Definitely one of the things you would want to consider for a useful gift.
- A Nice Thermal Flask
A thermal flask really keeps that tea hot while they attend meetings and go about with their daily business. If they do not have one already, we suggest this as a perfect gift.
- A Coffee Making Set Up
Coffee often manages to make one’s day and thus, a total coffee set would definitely not be a very bad choice. One can set it up right in the office and sip from the set all day.
- Try Something to Easy Their Life. Audible, Maybe?
An Audible subscription from Amazon lets them hear their favorite books when on the way to work. An Amazon Prime subscription or a VR experience can also do wonders. Read all about it on RealNewWorld.
- A Voucher
Get them a voucher for an important product or item that would help them out. If you know them well, you’ll know what to buy!
- Noise Cancelling Headphones
These headphones are great for restoring calm and peace of mind. They are useful for short office breaks and late-night music sessions.
- A Washable Keyboard
A washable keyboard can save the day when it comes to unintentional spilling of a glass of tea or coffee. Normally, one would panic, but with a washable keyboard, a simple splash will do the trick.
- An Evernote Subscription
Evernote subscriptions happen to be great gifts because they help ease office work and improve the work experience for all concerned.
- Waterproof Notepad and Paper
Waterproof notepads make wonderful gifts because they can survive through coffee spills, water spills and sudden showers on the way to office. This means, there won’t be any trouble of losing vital notes anymore!
- A Customized Pen/Mug/ Tray Set
Give them a customized set of pens or mugs or trays that support their office work. These could have the company logo on them and therefore could be used in official places.
- A Wonderful Camera
A good camera makes a really good gift. For people who like photography (we all do, actually), there is nothing better to gift than a camera which is easily portable and can be used to capture precious moments. Some people even keep one in the office for short celebrations and other events.
- A Pass for An Event or a Class
Who wouldn’t like a little refreshment from a stressful schedule? A pass to a yoga class or concert, which can also double as one of those amazing gift ideas for retirement, would do wonders to the mind.
The fact is that entrepreneurs don’t want stuff to be burdened with. Thus, you must ease up their lives a little. If you know their choices well, proceed and present them with something fantastic.