If you’re reading this article, the hope is that you’re all set to go live with your business for the first time. The plans have been drawn out, the strategy is in place, and you’re ready to unveil your company to the world. Some of the bits and pieces still need to be worked out, but that’s OK. It’s time to step into the big and scary business world! Make no mistake about it; the first week will be tough. We’re going to make it a little easier for you.
Step 1: Take Things One Step At A Time
It’s tempting to make a big statement in the first week, especially if you’ve been planning for a long time. However, it’s important to start off slowly. You’ll encounter all sorts of unforeseen circumstances that might stifle your progress. If you push too hard in the early stages, you’ll find that it can easily become overwhelming. For now, have some restraint, and don’t be tempted to do too much, too quickly.
Step 2: Seek Help Where Necessary
Starting a business is difficult, and there’s no way that you’ll be able to get a grasp of everything. This is why seeking advice from all angles is important to make sure you aren’t making any mistakes. You need to be careful with the advice you’re seeking, though. A good example of this is demonstrated by businessman Josh Tetrick. Forbes has the piece that it’s important to “try to find the very top minds in the field.” If you seek advice from the wrong places, you might just find yourself in trouble.
Step 3: Get Your Finances In Gear
The next step is to look at your finances, which will probably be hanging by a thread! You’ll surely have put some extensive funds into this business, so you’ve got to be careful how you manage them. In this first week, start by making sure you have a clear outlook of what your finances look like. Either hire an accountant or ensure that you’ve got a good grasp on them in the weeks to come.
Step 4: Begin To Develop Your Presence
You don’t want to go too overboard at this point, but it’s OK to start developing your presence. For example, you could start by creating a social media page on Facebook. Alternatively, hand out leaflets in the local area. Don’t go wild with a money-filled advertising campaign just yet. You’re still new to this, and it’s pointless to waste your money when you’re not ready.
Step 5: Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep
I know what the excitement of running your business is like. You’ll feel like telling everyone you meet how you’ll offer the best products and services for the lowest prices. However, restraint is key. You need to make sure that you aren’t making crazy promises that will haunt you later. You’ll be creating distrust, and you might find yourself developing a bad reputation before you’ve even got started.